Nov 17, 2011 06:28
Today I leave you with apologies. Elliot causes the destruction of Lucille II. Apology time. Dean accidently shoots Sam in the foot. Apology time. Rory fixes Amy a nice candelite dinner, but she gets mad, so he finds himself apologizing, and two days later he's still not sure what he apologized for!
Remember the rules:
* Five prompts in a row, no more than three from one fandom and if you get a prompt filled you can leave a new one.
* No spoilers until a week after air-/publication date, if you're wondering if something's a spoiler it probably is.
* Follow the examples for correct formating:
Leverage, Elliot + Hardison, "I swear I didn't know they were going to firebomb the van!"
Doctor Who, Rory/Amy, "I'm sorry" can go a long way to mending a broken heart
Supernatural, Sam + Dean, he should have known the gun was loaded
I've had a great time this week being your guest host. :) Have fun prompting (and writing)!