Today’s theme is 6 Words. Today the prompts can be any fandom, any character, and any pairing. But the fills have to be exactly 6 words long. So have fun, I look forward to seeing what you can come up with in 6 words!
The Rules:
- Don’t prompt more than 5 prompts in a row or 3 prompts per fandom. When someone has answered your prompt, you can prompt again.
- No spoilers in your prompt until at least 1 week after the original airing or publication date. If there are spoilers in your fic, you must warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.
- Thank your fic providers they thrive on feedback.
- For the sake of the code monkeys’ sanity remember to format your prompts correctly.
Formatting examples:
The Newsflesh Trilogy, Georgia, waiting to die
Bandom RPS, Grace, A memorial to fallen Killjoys
SPN/Doctor Who, Dean + Doctor, Winchesters didn't make good companions
None of today's prompts interest you? Make someone’s day and answer one of the myriad of
Lonely Prompts!
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