Wednesday - Heritage

Mar 02, 2011 08:06

Half way through the week! My name is straydog733 and here’s another prompt to get you through to the weekend: Heritage. Do you have a lineage, culture, or tradition you are proud of? Is there some dark fruit hanging from your family tree? Today is the day to talk about it, so whip out the family photo albums!

Please just remember:

·         Only three prompts for the same fandom & only five prompts in a row (though if one of your prompts is filled, you can prompt again).

·         No spoilers in your prompts for at least a week after the airdate/release.

·         Warn for any spoilers for your fic in bold and leave at least three spaces before the text.

·         Take the monkeys into consideration when writing your prompt. If the prompt is too long, it becomes very hard to record it properly in the archive. Fics are also meant to be comment sized! If you get very inspired, that's ok, but long detailed prompts deserve long detailed stories, and that's not what we're about. Thank you!

Also, remember to keep prompts in the correct format. For example:

Midnighters, Rex, being able to read lore makes him part of a noble tradition, not just some dorky high school kid

Animorphs, Aximili, balancing between the ideal Andalites he was raised to believe in and the examples of his people he keeps being faced with

And of course, if you don’t care for any of the prompts you see today, go on over to the Lonely Prompts and see if anything catches your eye.

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