Hello, all! I am still
ryuutchi and your host for this week.
Today's theme is "Rare Pairings or Fandoms". Yuletide has been over for about two weeks, so I think we should have out own mini rare fic fest right here! And unlike Elyn and Astolat, I'm not going to limit you to rare fandoms. Go ahead with your rare pairings too!
Kindly keep in mine our rules:
- Three prompts per fandom, and no more than five total. If one of your prompts is filled, you may post another.
- No spoilers for new shows/seasons until at least one week after airing.
- If your fill contains spoilers, please warn for it and leave enough space for people to pass by.
To help our overworked and underpaid codemonekys please format your prompts as such:
The Kane Chronicles, Carter and Sadie, the whole thing with Set, Horus, the seduction and ejaculate-covered lettuce was just way too much information
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, April/Leo, there's a thin line between a superhero kink and bestiality
Avenue Q, Trekkie Monster, his one attempt at dating
Supernatural, Loki/Kali, that one time they made the sky boil together
If today's prompts don't tickle you, give the lonely prompts a whirl instead!
[tag: rarepairingsorfandoms]