Lonely Prompt Challenge Weekend!

Feb 28, 2010 10:34

I am terribly sorry about yesterday. RL has officially fried my brain. On with the show...

Right! This weekend is a LONELY PROMPT CHALLENGE WEEKEND! *drum roll* Go forth and grab those lonely prompts by the ankles and don't let go!

So traipse through our wonderful, extensive collection of lonely prompts and grab one, two, a few, twenty... however ( Read more... )

!lonely prompts, !challenge

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Comments 7

cageyklio February 28 2010, 21:58:56 UTC

lizzie_marie_23 March 1 2010, 01:57:33 UTC
1) Doctor Who, Ten + author's choice, "I'm pregnant! How the hell did this happen?"

2) Doctor Who, Ten/Rose, she remembers being Bad Wolf

3) Doctor Who, Jack/Ten, even a stopped clock is right twice a day


tigriswolf March 1 2010, 02:56:16 UTC
1. Supernatural, Castiel, These clothes are Jimmy's; Castiel begins wearing his own ( ... )


lady_sarai March 1 2010, 08:00:09 UTC
Numbering continued from yesterday ( ... )


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