Happy Tuesday - Monster Day

Feb 02, 2010 05:53

Greetings Comment Fic Folks!

Today is Tuesday and I will be your pinch hitting host today!

I think Tuesday is a good day for Monsters, don't you?

So let's have them, werewolves, vampires, deformed creatures, boogie men, Frankensteins, or the more human variety, maybe even the imaginary kind...

Remember to format your prompts properly:

Supernatural, wee!Sam and wee!Dean, monsters in the closet
Leverage, Eliot, the monster inside


Buffy/Supernatural, Faith/Dean/Sam, things that go bump in the night

Remember the rules, and be kind to our codemonkeys--only three prompts per fandom, and only five prompts at a time. If one of them is filled, you can go ahead and post another.

And if you don't see anything that you like, you can always go through our Lonely Prompts.

Go forth and have a monstrously good time. (yeah, yeah...okay that one was uncalled for, I apologize) And Happy Tuesday y'all.

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