Saturday: Special Free For All

Dec 19, 2009 02:05

Hey guys! Thanks so much for participating in our contest this week. We'll get back to you with results as soon as we can ( Read more... )

prompts: free for all

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Comments 229

havenward December 19 2009, 08:05:29 UTC
White Collar, Peter/Elizabeth/Neal, pinstripe and silk


havenward December 19 2009, 08:05:50 UTC
Glee/Castle, Alexis/author's choice, all the world's a stage


myfloralbonnet December 19 2009, 08:07:01 UTC
Doctor Who/Torchwood, Donna Noble/Jack Harkness, she can't remember and he can't forget


inkhand December 19 2009, 16:15:34 UTC
I wish we had gotten more interaction between these two on the show. So many moments that didn't happen and should have :(He knows he shouldn't keep going back to see her, but he does anyways ( ... )


trinityday December 20 2009, 20:16:09 UTC
Agreed with the wishing there was more interaction between the two, especially if it was as fun as it was in this!


moonchildfic December 19 2009, 08:25:36 UTC
Leverage, Eliot + team, He never realised how much of his fights they could hear over the coms.


alieneyes January 17 2010, 07:38:12 UTC
Here you are. Enjoy ( ... )


carinascott April 18 2010, 07:15:42 UTC
Loved it. I like how Parker notes the difference in Eliot's fighting and facial expression when he sees one of them in trouble, rather than simply knowing they're in trouble. Good job!


alieneyes April 22 2010, 18:27:56 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


chibifukurou December 19 2009, 08:27:17 UTC
Doctor Who, author's choice, Supernanny from outerspace


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