Friday Free for All

Nov 27, 2009 00:11

Happy Friday everyone ( Read more... )

prompts: free for all

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Comments 427

ravensword November 27 2009, 08:16:14 UTC
Supernatural, John/Ellen, secrets


ravensword November 27 2009, 08:17:04 UTC
RPS, Sam Ferris/Jeffrey Dean Morgan, stop thinking so damn much


americangrl69 November 27 2009, 20:18:31 UTC
Just for future reference that pairing isn't rps it's rph.

RPS = Real Person Slash
RPH = Real Person Het


ravensword November 28 2009, 03:59:15 UTC
For the record, we aren't all that sticky about that round here.

RPF/RPS/RP whatever...we all know what it means, and I prefer a single acronym.


lustmordred November 27 2009, 08:17:18 UTC
The Covenant, Caleb/Tyler, someone to watch over me


Keep Me Safe mickey_sixx November 27 2009, 12:53:00 UTC
Probably sickeningly fluffy, but... I hope you like?

Pain. It was the last thing he remembered before passing out and the first thing he thought about when he awoke again. Burning, all-consuming pain. Hot knives slicing through his body, peeling away his skin, searching out his centre and carving away at his very essence.

That was before - before his eyes rolled up into his head and he fell to the floor in a crumpled broken mess. Now he was aware of every muscle, every bone and every tendon in his body; they all hurt. It wasn't the fiery brands of before, but the deep throbbing ache was still enough to make him groan weakly.

Blessedly cool hands touched his bare skin, one palm flat along the top of his back, stroking out along his shoulder and down his arm while the other ran through his sweat-damp hair. Murmured reassurances rumbled under his cheek, the sound of a steady heartbeat echoing in his ear, and for the first time since the day started Tyler felt safe. He struggled to open his eyes, hissing when even that hurt, but ( ... )


Re: Keep Me Safe lustmordred November 27 2009, 13:06:19 UTC
Omg, that is so CUTE. I love it, thank you :D


Re: Keep Me Safe mickey_sixx November 27 2009, 13:29:21 UTC
Yaaay \o/ It's my first commentfic in the comm, so I was a bit nervous :)


ravensword November 27 2009, 08:17:33 UTC
SG1/SGA, Daniel/Ronon, pretty when you cry


kijikun November 27 2009, 08:17:56 UTC
Supernatural, Gabriel/Sam, Amor ordinem nescit - Love does not know order.


Disorder entangled_now November 27 2009, 17:55:41 UTC
Sam's almost entirely asleep when he registers the sensation of fingers in his hair, threading through where it's laid across the pillow. Then very carefully drawing some away from his face. It's not so much comforting stroking as a curious exploration. Like someone who's seen his hair from afar and never gotten the chance to examine it.

"Gabriel?" Sam says, voice half muffled but still appropriately warning in tone.

The hand in his hair goes still.


"If I wake up and I have no hair I'm not going to be happy," Sam tells him without opening his eyes.

Gabriel makes a quiet sound of amusement and after a pause he's moving Sam's hair again, tangling it round his fingers in a way that's almost indulgent.

"I'll try and restrain my artistic impulses," Gabriel sounds far too sensible to be believed.

It occurs to Sam, between one sleepy breath and the next, that he should probably have complained about the touching in general.


Re: Disorder kasmodia November 27 2009, 19:19:51 UTC
Very cute and clever little scene!


Re: Disorder entangled_now November 27 2009, 20:48:28 UTC
Thank you very much!


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