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Filled: Burn me... part 1 dolnmoon May 17 2011, 21:02:58 UTC
When things start getting more aggressive Jared gets even more turned on. He loves how Jensen holds him down, tugs his hair and claims his mouth like he’s hungry for it but most of all he loves it when he rubs that half beard he’s got going on all over his body.

Jared can’t help it; he arches off of the bed when Jensen nips at his neck before running his slick tongue up and over his jaw line then ending at his mouth. Their tongues collide, slipping and sliding over each other as Jensen makes small guttural noises. It sounds impassioned, like he’s enjoying the taste of Jared, like he has never tasted anything quite as delicious before.

The kiss breaks and Jared smiles up at Jensen who is looming over him with the most adorable lust filled smile. His chin and cheeks are covered in that gorgeous reddish bristly half beard they lovingly call scruff. Jared runs his fingers over the thick stubble, first over the line of Jensen’s jaw, then up and around his lips, feeling just the edges of the beards outline. He likes how it feels, the harsh yet softness of it and the way it is prickly yet tickly to the touch.

Jensen is smiling down at him, every touch fueling the already burning need to kiss every inch of Jared’s long lean body. “You like how that feels don’t you babe,” he says it more than asks it because he knows that Jared does love it, loves it more than he will ever admit.

“What, that scratchy patch of hair on your face,” Jared says with mock distain.

Jensen smiles mischievously at him. “You know you love it, its awesome fun and makes me super handsome,” he leans in and kisses Jared moving his face back and forth so the beard rubs over Jared’s mouth and cheeks.

Jared feigns protest. “Ouch, Mmm no,” he says, his words muffled by Jensen’s mouth pressed tight to his.

Pulling off Jared’s mouth Jensen laughs. “Oh, for that you get the full treatment,” he says, as he starts to move down Jared’s neck with his lips, stopping at the base to languish at the hollow there.

Jared’s heart is racing as the tiny bristles of beard dig gently into his neck and chin. “Stop you’re scratching me,” he says breathlessly as he pushes upward into Jensen’s mouth begging for more rough contact.

Smooth lips move over Jared’s chest then Jensen’s hot wet tongue darts out and laps at his erect nipple. The shivers running up Jared’s spine don’t even compare to the ones that flow like a wave with what comes next. Suddenly and without warning rough scratching bristles rake over his tender pink nub. Jared gasps and arches his back as his hands dig into Jensen’s back with a tight grip. “OH MY GOD,” he pants out loudly.

“Don’t like that too much do you,” Jensen retorts with a sarcastic tone.

“No not too much, just enough,” Jared pants out. His body is trying to come back down from the ceiling when he’s hit with another wave of unexpected pleasure.


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 dolnmoon May 17 2011, 21:04:27 UTC
Jensen digs his chin into Jared’s cleavage and pulls it down over the thick groove between his abs. He moves purposely slow as he drags the stiff hairs over Jared’s damp over sensitized skin. He chuckles at Jared’s response.

“Holy Shit, are you trying to kill me,” Jared manages to grunt out. His back is arched into a bow off of the bed; his hands are now gripping Jensen’s hair helping him to move extra slowly and very purposely over his belly.

When Jared lets go of Jensen’s head it’s to relax and settle back onto the bed, his cock is throbbing and begging to be touched but all it gets is a minor amount of friction from Jensen’s moving body. “Jen, please, just get me off,” he whimpers but all he gets for his efforts is another swift wave of complete pleasure.

Jensen shifts his body down so that his chest is just between Jared’s thighs, his face is nestled into his groin and his fingers are digging into Jared’s hips to hold him down for what he is about to do. He runs a stiff tongue from root to tip up Jared’s hard cock, stopping at the head to lave at the slit thick with precum. He feels Jared shuddering under his mouth, hears his heavy panting and moaning but what comes next will have him screaming with complete and utter pleasure.

He tilts his head and let’s Jared’s cock fall back towards his belly, then he takes his cheek and nuzzles it against both Jared’s throbbing member and his balls. He moves his face over the sensitive flesh making Jared quake and shake; his hands grasp for Jensen’s head and press it tighter to his groin as he lets out a loud moan and cums seconds later.

Jensen continues to move his beard down over Jared’s thighs as he strokes him through the aftershocks of his orgasm. His face rubbing so hard that it’s leaving red blushed streaks down Jared’s quivering thighs. He moves up and down repeatedly nuzzling into Jared as he strokes himself with quick hard tugs. He’s getting off on burning Jared’s tender skin with his bristly beard. He knows how much Jared loves the rough scratching by the grunting sounds he’s making and the way he’s gently rotating his hips into Jensen’s every movement, it makes Jensen cum hard over his hand while his face is still buried between Jared’s thighs.

He moves up to cuddle with Jared who is blissed out and almost incoherent but he manages to whisper breathlessly, “I love it when you give me beard burn.”

Jensen smiles down into Jared’s flushed pink face. “Then don’t complain tomorrow when it hurts to walk around because your jeans are rubbing over the chaffed areas,” he says with a chuckle before claiming Jared’s mouth for another bristly kiss.

“Don’t worry, I won’t complain at all,” Jared says pushing Jensen back and laying across him so that he can nuzzle into his neck and feel the beard brushing over his forehead as they cuddle into unconsciousness.


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 cherie_morte May 17 2011, 22:57:03 UTC
...OH. MY. GOD. You gave him the burn everywhere.

*readjusts eyeballs and sticks tongue back in mouth* He. The beard burn on his...

If I buy you ice cream, can I come home to this everyday? Everyone likes ice cream.


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 dolnmoon May 18 2011, 00:47:20 UTC
Sure.. I loves the ice cream.. Strawberry or Banana split are my faves.. lol

So glad that you liked it.. I worried it was far too much porn and not schmoopy enough for a fill. lol


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 cherie_morte May 18 2011, 00:49:18 UTC

I am actually cracking up at the idea of something in fandom being too porny.

No, seriously, cracking up. My mother wants to know what's going on, I think I am distressing her.


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 dolnmoon May 18 2011, 00:56:54 UTC
I am sorry for an distress I caused your mother.. It won't happen again. lol

Well everyone's tastes are different and I wasn't sure how much porn you liked some like a little some like a lot.. like me the more porn the better.


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 dephigravity May 18 2011, 14:46:34 UTC
Sorry, it took me so long. I had the attention span of a spracked out goldfish yesterday so I went ahead and put it on my FAVORITE DEVICE EVER! :D

This was really freaking great, lady! I loved the touches with Jensen dragging his bristly beard over Jared's nipple and then down the center of his body! HOT!!! And well of course you know I'd love what happened next too. ;) Fantastic fill, way to go!


Re: Filled: Burn me... part2 dolnmoon May 18 2011, 18:50:03 UTC
I guess Jensen scruff does have its advantages... Knowing what I know now I will never make fun of the scruff again... Go Jen scruffy...

So glad you liked it.... and that is the greatest device ever. See and you were worried about learning how to use it... pft.=D


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