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part 1 elless18 October 22 2010, 05:19:01 UTC
Sorry, this took longer than I expected to get done. Stupid work. :p

It’s not in his sock drawer. That’s the first place he looked. He always puts stuff in there that he wants to hide from Jensen, just like he knows Jensen hides stuff in the old toolbox in the garage. He practically tears the drawer apart, twice, but it’s definitely not in there.

“Fuck,” he mutters, sinking to the floor amidst scattered pairs of socks. How could he have lost something so important? It’s not like his car keys, which he has a spare set of. (Okay, two spare sets. He has a habit of putting them down in public places and walking away without them.) This is Jensen’s engagement ring. He needs it before he can propose, or else the elaborate plan he came up with is totally stupid and pointless.

After a few minutes, Jared drags himself off the floor and starts throwing socks back in the drawer, mumbling under his breath. Jensen comes in then and simply raises an eyebrow. He’s used to Jared’s moods by now. Jared gives him a small smile and a distracted kiss and heads out of the room.

He really needs to find that ring. Soon.

He looks everywhere he can think of- inside kitchen drawers and under couch cushions, inside every coat pocket and pair of shoes, every place small enough to hide a small jeweler’s box. He leaves tornado-like messes all over the house but still can’t find anything. He knows he brought it home and put it someplace. That day was a big deal, since he’s finally gotten the courage to buy the ring after thinking about it for months and months. It’s gotta be in the house somewhere; he just can’t remember where.


part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 05:19:36 UTC
He calls Megan, desperate, to ask if he ever told her where he stashed it. She went with him to the jewelry store and helped pick out the ring. She’s the only one that knows he plans to propose, which is a miracle, frankly. He usually can’t keep his mouth shut about things like this, but this is important. He’s been in love with Jensen since he learned what being in love meant. It took Jensen longer, over a decade longer, but they’ve been together for seven years now. Jared wants everything to be perfect, and he can’t do that without a ring.

Megan has no idea, though, and Jared hangs up, his heart heavy. He’s just wondering if one of the dogs managed to get into the box and eat the thing when Jensen walks into the kitchen and catches him giving Sadie a lecture about eating Daddy’s things. Jensen levels him with a look, eyebrow arched and the corners of his mouth curved into a smile.

“What on earth are you looking for?” Jensen asks, amusement clear in his voice as he leans against the fridge and crosses his arms.

Backing away from Sadie, Jared flushes guiltily. “Nothing,” he answers quickly. Jensen’s eyebrow climbs even higher, practically touching his hairline now.

“Jared, you’ve been searching all over the house like a madman. Did you lose your keys again?”

“No!” Jared huffs, but Jensen only grins. “It’s nothing, Jen.” What is he supposed to say? I lost your engagement ring. Help me look for it? Yeah, sure. That’d be the perfect way to propose.

“Come on, Jay. You’re going crazy and destroying the house in the process.”

“It’s nothing, I swear. Just, never mind about it.”

Jensen rolls his eyes and smiles. “Do I need to get you one of those key locator things?”

“Ha, ha. You think you’re so amusing but really you’re just annoying.”

Jensen’s grin widens, crinkling his eyes at the corners. “I’ll let you know if I find your keys, Jay.”

“Whatever,” he dismisses with a wave of his hand.

Jensen laughs and stops to kiss Jared on his way out of the kitchen. When Jensen goes to leave, Jared pulls him back in, licking into his mouth and deepening their kiss until Jensen steps back with a slightly dazed look on his face. Jared smirks to himself and lets him go.

Jared dejectedly gives up on finding the ring after that. He’ll look again tomorrow when he’s fresh and maybe by then he’ll remember where the hell he put it.

Later that night, he’s watching some mindless sitcom on TV, sprawled out on the couch with a beer in one hand and Jensen snuggled up to his side. There’s nowhere else he’d rather be. Jensen shifts around, making the cute little pissed off sound Jared loves.

“You’re awfully twitchy tonight,” Jared mentions, poking Jensen in the stomach just to see him squirm.

“There’s a weird lump back here,” Jensen replies and digs around behind his back. And pulls out a familiar jeweler’s box.

Jared’s first thought is dammit, I already checked in the couch! And then he panics a bit, because Jensen is opening the box and staring curiously at the platinum and gold band nestled inside.

“Shit. Um,” Jared says oh-so-eloquently.

“Is this what you’ve been looking for?”

“Um, yes?”

“Jared.” He sounds fondly exasperated, and for some reason it makes Jared fall in love with him all over again.

“So, I, uh, didn’t plan on doing it this way but-” He slips to one knee in front of the couch and wraps a hand around Jensen’s. He throws out the speech he has written out on a post-it upstairs and decides to go simple instead. “I love you. I always, always have. Will you marry me, Jen?”

“Of course!” Jensen answers immediately. The soft look on his face takes Jared’s breath away.

He tugs Jensen into a kiss, smiling against Jensen’s mouth. Jensen drops the ring box in order to cup Jared’s jaw with both hands. Jared momentarily worries about where it lands and losing it again, but then Jensen chases away everything else by sucking on his bottom lip.

It didn’t go anything like how he wanted, but Jensen said yes and that’s all he really needs.


Re: part 2 scarlett_wilde October 22 2010, 08:59:51 UTC
Awww Jared, you silly boy LOL Jensen would say yes, no matter how you asked him... just don't lode the ring for real :)

You don't need elaborate plans to propose, hubby asked me while he was doing the dishes and I was ironing his work clothes - so romantic *sigh*


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 18:42:29 UTC
LOL. At least he was doing the dishes and not making you do ALL the housework. :D


Re: part 2 ms_soma October 22 2010, 09:39:19 UTC
This was gorgeous!! Loved it! And, funnily enough, was also the prompt that stood out at me most when I read them all last night :). Brilliant job with the schmoop!


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 18:45:33 UTC
Thanks! This one sparked my muse right away, which hasn't happened in so long.


(The comment has been removed)

Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 19:01:25 UTC
LOL. Thanks! Sorry? You can still do the prompt as well. <3


Re: part 2 the_milky_way October 22 2010, 13:10:45 UTC
Hehe, that's so like Jared. It's adorable. :)


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 19:02:47 UTC
He's adorkable. Thanks!


Re: part 2 sandymg October 22 2010, 16:45:50 UTC
Adorable. Loved the resolution. Oh, boys.


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 19:03:15 UTC


Re: part 2 cloex_brosluvr October 22 2010, 21:43:45 UTC
Awww, perfect. Jared needs to write things down. LOL.

Thank you! :D


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 21:49:25 UTC
LOL. He'd probably lose the note he wrote it on. :D



Re: part 2 the_rant_girl October 22 2010, 23:41:58 UTC
awwwwww, so squeefully adorkable. it's all warm and fluffy and soooo cute. hehe. LOVE IT!


Re: part 2 elless18 October 22 2010, 23:50:54 UTC
Thank you!


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