Domesticity Meme Round-Up

May 13, 2009 15:50

Thank you for those that participated in the Domesticity Meme! Under the cut are all the prompts that got written, go leave the authors some love!

There is a post here for those lonely prompts that may spark an interest ;)

Jared/Jensen, shaving by annella
J2: first evening (or night) after Jensen moved in by annella
J2, one or both of them falling asleep on the couch while watching TV by annella
J2, feeding the dogs by annella
J2: washing dishes by ladyrhyanne
J2: sharing a spoon by hd_obsession
J2: sharing a spoon by nomelon
J2: first morning after sleeping in the same bed by matalinolukaret
J2: writing christmas cards by caphesuada
J2: taking a bath (not a shower!) together by akintay
J2: Ironing by elless18
J2: baking a cake by trueshellz
J2: Sunday morning paper by earth_dragon
J2: house repairs by kelleigh
Jared/Jensen, cleaning the gutters ends badly by pinkelephanti
J2, breakfast in bed by bekkis
J2, sunbathing in the back yard turns to shenanigans by bekkis
Jared becomes obsessed with his pathetic excuse for a garden. Jensen mocks by serotonin_storm
J2, Jared turns everything pink in the wash by trueshellz
J2: Jensen comes home to find dinner started and Jared napping on the couch with the dogs by pignapoke
J2: Jared trying to assemble a new bed, instructions be damned. Jensen on standby with first aid kit by ladyrhyanne
J2: Jared making chicken soup from scratch for a sick Jensen by ariadnes_string
J2, painting a guest room by kelleigh
J2 getting used to routines by madeofsequins
Somebody killed the alarm clock, and it wasn't the dogs. ;) by kelleigh
Jared realizes there are just some things about living with another guy that make it SO much easier than living with girls by peaches
J2M sleep over: Misha's thoughts on the Js domesticity by dea_liberty
Jared and Jensen brushing teeth together by oh_mcgee
J2. Apron by serotonin_storm
J2, while visiting family Jensen falls asleep on the couch and Jared has to carry him to bed, Part 1 and Part 2 by tracevincente
J2: jared is amused to awaken in the middle of the night to find jensen sitting on the couch clutching an old stuffed animal. by chez_amanda

theme #02: domesticity, round-up #02: domesticity

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