Dydd Llun: 27 Word Fills

Jan 25, 2016 05:00

Hi everybody! I'm evil_little_dog and I'm back to host another week here. Today's theme is 27 Word Fills. What that means is you can prompt anything, but any fill of the prompt should be exactly 27 words in response.

Just a few rules:No more than five prompts in a row ( Read more... )

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Fill 2/2: SGA/Dollhouse; John Sheppard and Ronon Dex nagi_schwarz January 25 2016, 14:12:30 UTC
"True," Sheppard said. He glanced toward his tent, an anxious expression on his face.

Ronon rolled his eyes. "Look, whatever it is you want to do, I don't care. If you want to read a boring book, I'm not going to judge you. It's your holiday. Do whatever you want."

Sheppard eyed Ronon for a moment, then went to rummage in his tent. When he returned, it was with his guitar. Ronon wondered why Sheppard had been so weird about his guitar, because everyone knew he could sort of play, but then Sheppard set the guitar on his knees and began picking out a complicated riff, and when he sang -

Ronon blinked, sat up straighter. He'd heard Sheppard sing before, when they wandered the halls and he caught the edges of a song someone else was listening to in a lab or their quarters. Sheppard's voice had never sounded like this, clear and strong and almost sweet.

When the song ended, Sheppard eyed him apprehensively again, but he said, "Sometimes, around campfires, instead of telling stories, people play songs and they all sing together."

Ronon huffed, amused. "You don't want to hear me sing."

"Somehow I don't think we know the same songs anyway." Sheppard fiddled with the pegs on the guitar.

"That was a pretty song, though," Ronon offered. He'd never seen Sheppard so skittish before. "Johnny Cash?"

"No, actually." Sheppard fiddled with the guitar some more. "I wrote it, sort of."

"You can write songs?"


"Got any more?"

Sheppard's expression turned shifty again.

Ronon rolled his eyes. "I get it. There's a bunch of stuff you like to do for fun that you don't want the others on base to know about. I won't tell anybody. What you do to relax is pretty much your own business as long as you're not hurting anyone. So if you want to play your songs, play them. I'll listen."

Sheppard stared at him for a long time. Ronon stared back at him, perfectly content to wait this out.

Then Sheppard said, "Okay, well, in the interest of cultural exchange, there are a couple of songs you need to learn if you're going to be hanging out with us Earthlings. And since we're at a campfire, this is a Johnny Cash classic called Ring of Fire."

For the next two weeks, they ran, they surfed, they swam, they sparred, they speared fish, and they napped. Sometimes Ronon wanted to sit in silence and stare at the sea, and Sheppard would sit beside him, sketching away in his notebook. One morning Ronon pretended to stay asleep while Sheppard laid out a towel and went through a series of exercises that looked suspicious like the yoga stuff a lot of the women on base did that the men laughed at. He hadn't realized Sheppard was that flexible. In the evenings at the fire, Sheppard taught Ronon how to sing a bunch of Johnny Cash songs, but sometimes he'd sit with that ball of yarn and those tiny metal spears ("They're called knitting needles") and make socks.

"You know," Ronon said, flopping down beside Sheppard while Sheppard click-clacked the needles expertly, "Rodney makes fun of you all the time for being stupid, but I think he must only mean science stupid, because you have a ton of random stuff crammed into your head, don't you?"

The corner of Sheppard's mouth curved up in something a little too bitter to be a smile. "You could say that."

"I get why you wouldn't want anyone else to know about making socks," Ronon said. "It's not very manly."

"No," Sheppard agreed, "it isn't."

"It's kinda cool, though. To be able to make your own clothes like that." Ronon watched the firelight gleam off of the needles. "I'll keep your secret. I promise."

"Thanks, Ronon," Sheppard said softly.

"When you get to a safe stopping point, you should teach me a song you wrote."

Sheppard smiled. "I can do that."


Re: Fill 2/2: SGA/Dollhouse; John Sheppard and Ronon Dex brumeier January 25 2016, 15:03:21 UTC
Lucky Ronon, getting a glimpse into the complicated mind of Foxtrot John Sheppard. I love that this two week vacation is a way for John to give all the imprints a little vacation as well. The singer, the knitter, the cook...all get a chance to relax and do their thing.

This is really sweet. I love it!

I also love how you laugh in the face of a 27 word fill. ::grins::


RE: Re: Fill 2/2: SGA/Dollhouse; John Sheppard and Ronon Dex nagi_schwarz January 25 2016, 15:07:59 UTC
Oh bugger. Didn't read the instructions closely enough. Oops?


Re: Re: Fill 2/2: SGA/Dollhouse; John Sheppard and Ronon Dex brumeier January 25 2016, 15:11:45 UTC
No oops! That needed more than 27 words. No complaints here! ::grins::


Re: Fill 2/2: SGA/Dollhouse; John Sheppard and Ronon Dex squidgiepdx January 26 2016, 03:25:45 UTC
(the 27 word limitation was exactly why I didn't play today; I hate word limitations! But you saw I was busy elsewhere. ::snerk:: )


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