What Do They Say About Thursdays, Anyway?

Aug 14, 2014 07:19

Hello, I'm benebu and I'm your host for this week. Today's theme is First Sentence. Your prompt should be used as the first sentence of the fic written in response.

The rules still haven't changed:
No more than five prompts in a row.
No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
No spoilers in prompts.
If your fill contains spoilers, warn and leave plenty of space.

Prompts should be formatted as follows:
Fandom, Character+/Character, Prompt

Some examples...
+ Inception, Arthur/Eames, Give me a break, you don't know sh*t about me!
+ any, any, Okay, time to put on your brave face now.
+ BtVS, Anya (+/any), It was unusual, even by Sunnydale standards.

Not feeling any of today’s prompts? Visit the lonely prompt archive and brighten someone’s day. For more recent prompts to write, you can also use LJ’s advanced search options to limit keyword results to only comments in this community.lonely prompt archive and brighten someone’s day. For more recent prompts to write, you can also use LJ’s advanced search options to limit keyword results to only comments in this community.

tag=first sentence
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