Hi guys! I'm
mahmfic, back for another week of hosting here at
comment_fic! Today's theme is Reincarnation. Interpret as you wish.
The rules still haven't changed:
No more than five prompts in a row.
No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
No spoilers in prompts.
If your fill contains spoilers, warn and leave plenty of space.
Prompts should be formatted as
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"Oh, sure," Clint grumbled. "Rub it in. Meanwhile, I'm stuck being the reincarnation of Maid Marian."
Steve frowned, creasing his brow. "I'm not sure that Maid Marian really counts as a fairy tale princess."
"She was in a Disney musical about Robin Hood! She totally counts!"
Tony stared at Clint in disbelief. "She was an animated fox in that version. Anyway, Maid Marian wasn't an archer. Merida, on the other hand--"
Clint groaned. "I didn't even LIKE that movie!"
"It's true," Natasha added. "He complained about Merida's archery through the whole thing."
"You went to see Brave," Tony stated, visibly trying not to blink at the news. "With Clint ( ... )
"I guess that's all of us, then," Clint said. "Except for Natasha, that is."
"No. I know who I am."
She didn't volunteer the information; instead, she waited for it to dawn on them. It was right there in her appearance, after all: a cap of bright red on her head. Krasnaja šapočka--Little Red Cap. It made no difference that the cap was hair and not a hat or hood ( ... )
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