Thursday: Five Sentence Fics

Apr 25, 2013 08:14

Good morning and welcome to Thursday.

The theme for today is “Five Sentence Fics”. Your prompt can be anything, but the fill must be only five sentences long.

Please remember the rules so everyone can have a good time:
No more than five prompts in a row.
No more than three prompts from one fandom at a time.
No spoilers in your prompt until at least one week after the original airing/publication date. If there are spoilers in your fic, warn in bold and leave at least three spaces

Please always use the following format to make it easier on the code monkeys:
Fandom(s), character or pairing, prompt.

And here are a few examples, to get you started!

White Collar, Mozzie+El, Wine
Peter Pan, Wendy/Peter, Monsters
Burn Notice, Sam Axe, "Hi, I'm Chuck Finley."

[Themetag: Five Sentence]
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