Saturday free-for-all

Nov 17, 2012 00:03

It's Saturday and y'all know the rules:

+No more than five prompts in a row.
+No more than three prompts in the same fandom.
+If one of your prompts is filled, feel free to prompt again.
+No spoilers in the prompts.
+If your fill contains spoilers please warn and/or leave at least three spaces.

prompts: free for all

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fill rattyjol November 17 2012, 19:22:39 UTC
There is a time, long ago (red grass under his hooves a brother at his side stars and planets spinning by overhead) when the whole universe shines. Everything glowing with its goodness, whole and uncorrupted. The military burns red, brave and strong and just, protecting the homeworld and many more from the Yeerk threat. His parents glow warmly blue, shining with their love. They know everything, he thinks then. They will teach him everything they know. But nothing shines brighter than Elfangor -- Elfangor with his broad shoulders and razor-sharp tailblade, Elfangor of the kindest eyes. (Later he will recall so much sadness in them, as well, and wonder how the light could have blinded him to that.) Elfangor shines white, and seems to light up the whole world every time he smiles.

But now (a bridge under his hooves subordinates at his side everything he loves left behind) the whole universe has gone dark. He has no faith in the military; he knows its corruption and the horrors of war. The warm glow of his parents' love is a memory, faded and distant. Elfangor, he knows now, was only an Andalite, only a human, just as flawed as anyone. What light is left in him is only a faint glow, softened by perspective and tainted by sorrow.

The stars around him burn brightly, but the space between them is dark. The light has gone out of the universe and that, Ax thinks, is what the loss of innocence means.


Re: fill with_rainfall November 18 2012, 03:14:58 UTC
The stars around him burn brightly, but the space between them is dark.

Nice distinction here! And I liked the way you incorporated Elfangor as the epitome of light.


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