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Comments 145

ravensword January 10 2009, 16:30:45 UTC
Supernatural, Sam/Dean, cozy


earthquakedream January 10 2009, 16:53:51 UTC
It's cozy in the Impala. The heat on low while they sit in an abandoned parking lot, the back seat laid flat so they can both fit, naked and rocking together, slow and easy. Like there isn't a demon war raging on outside. Like the apocalypse isn't coming. Sam breathes Dean's name like he's praying, for the first time in nearly a year. Dean lets out a low rumble of a moan in answer, hand sliding down to wrap around Sam's cock. He calls him a big boy, baby brother, and Sam laughs and calls him disgusting, even as he moans and thrusts into Dean's hand.

When they come, everything else goes away. It's only them in their car, their home.


bellasianna January 10 2009, 17:28:52 UTC


earthquakedream January 10 2009, 17:32:03 UTC
Thanks. :D


ravensword January 10 2009, 16:31:09 UTC
Stargate Atlantis/Leverage, Ronon/Eliot, blood and bruises


kelly_girl January 10 2009, 19:39:07 UTC
Eliot's knee hits the ground and blood flies out of his mouth. The guy's fighting style is impossibly simple and at the same time complex. He doesn't recognize it and so he can't work around it.

He gets back up, his chin lifting in reluctant respect and the guy smiles like he's just been taking a stroll in the park.

His eyes flicker down Eliot's shirtless chest, lingering on bruises old and new.


Eliot turns and there's some wild haired guy standing next to a tree.

Ronon nods and turns back to Eliot. He won and he knows it and knows Eliot knows it. He looks like he can't wait to claim his prize. His voice makes Eliot hot in ways that have nothing to do with their fighting.

"See you around."

Eliot nods and watches them walk off. He limps back to his truck already anticipating their next meeting. There is something definitely strange going on around Cheyenne Mountain.


ravensword January 10 2009, 19:42:27 UTC

I would love to watch the two of them go at one another!


chatona January 10 2009, 20:56:25 UTC
askjdalksdhkajhdskjhaa YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW HAPPY THIS MAKES ME!


badfalcon January 10 2009, 16:42:38 UTC
Angel, Angelus/Lindsey, power


ravensword January 10 2009, 18:23:54 UTC
"You don't know power." Lindsey hears the "boy" that isn't on the end of that. Damn fucking vampire and his damn fucking condescending attitude.

Not that Lindsey can say that, not with the filthy rag in his mouth, not with his fists curtailed by the goddamn iron that's just keeping him stretched, muscles straining as icy fingers trail over Lindsey's heated skin.

"But I like you Lindsey...maybe I'll show you what power really is."

Lindsey groans around the gag as the vampire's hard cock shoves inside him. Angelus is not gentle, his fucking nearly as violent as his bite. Blood drips from his teeth as he whispers in Lindsey's ear. "You want it? Want to feel the power pumping through your veins? I can give it to you...make you like me...show you what evil really is."

Even evil the damn fang talks a lot...talks too much. Lindsey grunts and pushes back, tilts his head, offering his neck to say "Come on then, get on with it."

He never dreams Angelus actually will.


badfalcon January 10 2009, 18:37:54 UTC
holy fucking fuck *flails*
just... yes!


ravensword January 10 2009, 19:42:42 UTC

Glad you liked!


earthquakedream January 10 2009, 16:45:59 UTC
Leverage; Sophie/Parker; falling


havenward January 11 2009, 03:55:50 UTC
It's sort of like being on the zip line that first time. Strong hands and she's close, too close, grabbing, and her breath on Sophie's lips before the ground disappears and they're falling. Sophie's sure she can't breath, that she'll break when she hit's the bottom.

She hadn't counted on Parker's sense of control. The woman's mad as a hatter, to be sure, but everything she does is precise. Everything she does is careful.

Sophie never would have imagined she would be gentle...


earthquakedream January 11 2009, 04:21:10 UTC
EEEE YES I LOVE THIS. :D :D Thank you!


angstbunny January 11 2009, 09:37:12 UTC
Sophie never would have imagined she would be gentle



badfalcon January 10 2009, 16:51:51 UTC
Bones, Hodgins/Zack, King Of The Lab


healingmirth March 29 2009, 03:33:33 UTC
(this doesn't have anything to do with King of the Lab-worthy figuring something out, 'cause this interpretation got stuck in my brain - sorry!
also, is too long by half - the full version is hereHodgins breaks the late-night silence of the lab to ask, "You know what I miss?" and Zack doesn't look up from the debrided bone fragments that he's sorting out on the table in front of him. It's likely that this question, while not rhetorical in the strictest sense, still does not require an answer. Hodgins frequently has these conversations with himself to break the monotony of identification on their less pressing investigations ( ... )


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