MANIC MONDAY: One Sentence Fic

Apr 02, 2012 12:09

Ello poppets theladymore offering a fun filled week of prompts. Today we start out with a one sentence fic. We can get alot in one sentence so let's see what we can do.

While we want to have fun we have to remember the rules

♥ No more than five prompts in a row.
♥ No more than three prompts from one fandom at a time.
♥ No spoilers in your prompt until at least one week after the original airing/publication date. If there are spoilers in your fic, warn in bold and leave at least three spaces

To make it easier on our code monkies remember the following format:

fandom(s), character or pairing, prompt


The Hunger Games, Peeta/Katniss, Make it out alive
Stargate Atlantis, John Sheppard, cheers for the broken hero.
Doctor Who/Supernatural, Amy Pond/Dean Winchester, Too much alike

Have fun and may the odds ever be in your favor

[theme tag=onesentencefic]
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