Good morning,
sagaluthien here again. Today is the theme Limerick (not the city, the poem) or 5 sentence - A limerick is five lines (and maybe not always as easy) Don't know it you can read it at Wikipedia (
If you find it all to hard to do I also give you the option of 5 sentence
I do look forward to see what you are able to create.
Please do not forget the Rules:
No more than three prompts to a fandom
No more than five fandoms at a time
OBS! No spoilers are allowed in the prompts
If your fill contains spoilers, warn and leave a space.
Also remember the formatting for the codemonkeys:
Fandom, Character, prompt
Fandom, Character/Character, prompt
Fandom/Fandom, Character(s), prompt
If nothing catches your fancy here, give a
lonely prompt some love.