Friday: Free for All

Sep 30, 2011 01:37

Happy Friday, everyone! It's our usual Free For All, so knock yourselves out. All fandoms, characters, and prompts are welcome today.

Just remember to follow the usual rules:
ø No more than 5 prompts in a row, no more than 3 prompts per fandom. If a prompt is answered, you may prompt again.

ø No spoilers in your prompts until 1 week after the original air/publication date. If there's spoilers in your response, please warn in bold and leave at least 3 spaces.

ø Remember to format your prompts appropriately and keep them to a reasonable length. For example:Leverage, author's choice, case of the giggles
Archer, Lana, You want me to what to who during what song?!?!

Criminal Minds/Castle, Rick/Reid, don't underestimate yourself
And don't forget to show smaller fandoms some love!

Are none of the prompts catching your attention? Feel free to poke at our Lonely Prompts. Please keep in mind that we are waiting to hear back from the Delicious troubleshooting staff about our migration issues, and there may be problems. We apologize for the continued delay in resolving this.

prompts: free for all

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