I’m still
jaune_chat and here’s wishing you a wonderful Wednesday!
Today the theme will be Tears. Tears of joy, tears of sadness, tears of frustration, tears of release, holding back tears, shedding a single tear, and whatever else you can think of to fit the theme!
As always, please follow the rules:
• No more than one prompt per post, three prompts per fandom, and no more than five total. If one of your prompts is filled, you may post another.
• No spoilers in the prompts for new shows/seasons until at least one week after airing.
• If your fill contains spoilers, please label it clearly with the fandom/show and leave enough space for people to pass by.
• Feel free to fill a prompt even if it is already filled, the more fic the merrier!
Be kind to our codemonkeys and format your prompt properly:
• Heroes, Maya/ or + any, it was cruel to her that she could not shed a tear without someone dying.
• Supernatural, Dean and Sam (or Dean/Sam), for all Dean complained about no chick-flick moments, hearing from Chuck’s fangirls about how much he and Sam cried kind of threw him for a loop.
• Sherlock (BBC)/Dollhouse, Sherlock and Adele, The only day Adele saw “Sherlock” cry was the day he deduced who he really was.
If nothing today trips your trigger, go check out our
Lonely Prompts for inspiration!
(Tag = tears)