Thursday: Big Days

Mar 17, 2011 11:02

Hey everyone,

It's my last day and today we will be focusing on Big Days. Those days that are special, larger than life and completely integral to a character's life.

Just a quick reminder of the rules:

: Only three prompts for the same fandom & only five prompts in a row (though if one of your prompts is filled, you can prompt again).

: No spoilers in your prompts for at least a week after the airdate/release.

: Warn for any spoilers for your fic in bold and leave at least three spaces before the text.

And please take the monkeys into consideration when writing your prompt. If the prompt is too long, it becomes very hard to record it properly in the archive. Thank you!

Also, remember to keep prompts in the correct format. For example:

Labyrinth, Sarah/Jareth, The day the world fell down.

Queer As Folk, Brian/Justin, Finally Wed.

Hustle/Leverage, Albert & Sophie, Graduation day.

And if nothing here catches your eye there is always the Lonely Prompts.

tag=big days
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