Happy Monday, y'all. My name is
tiptoe39 and I am tickled pink to be your host for
comment_fic this week.
Inspiration comes in funny ways, doesn't it? We're all here because we love to write, but sometimes we just need a prompt - a beginning. So today your prompts will be the first line. Give your writers a push out of the gate and see where they run with it!
As always, obey the rules:
- Three prompts per fandom, and no more than five total. If one of your prompts is filled, you may post another.
- No spoilers for new shows/seasons until at least one week after airing.
- If your fill contains spoilers, please warn for it and leave enough space for people to pass by.
Feed the overworked codemonkeys correctly formatted prompts:
- Supernatural, Dean/author's choice, It was the last person Dean ever expected to see through the peephole of the motel room door.
- Fringe, Peter/Olivia, "We're going to have to talk about this sooner or later."
- Heroes/Nu!Trek, Peter Petrelli/Jim Kirk, Peter couldn't help but wonder what his mother would say right now.
If you don't see a beginning you'd like to continue, head back to our
Lonely Prompts and give them a happy ending instead.