Tuesday: Hallmark Channel

Sep 08, 2020 00:02

Hi! I’m brumeier, and this week we’re filling TV-related themes. So don’t touch that dial! Today’s theme is Hallmark Channel. This is the land of rom-coms and happily ever afters (and for some reason, a billion Christmas movies). So prompts today should be the stuff of romance and fluff and comfort, in the form of titles or songs or fusions or any old ( Read more... )

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sherlockian_syn September 8 2020, 04:37:29 UTC
Harley Quinn (DC Universe), Harley Quinn/Poison Ivy, “You don't love someone because they're perfect, you love them in spite of the fact that they're not.” (Jodi Picoult)


FILL 4bdnsn0wflake September 9 2020, 21:58:36 UTC
Harley, as she was wont to do, showed up at Ivy’s door late one night. She’d obviously been fighting. And drinking. And looking worse for the wear for both ( ... )


Re: FILL brumeier September 10 2020, 01:05:44 UTC
This is wonderful! I don't know the characters super well, but I feel like you have Harley's voice down pat. And Ivy is very wise. ::nods::


RE: Re: FILL 4bdnsn0wflake September 10 2020, 22:54:46 UTC
Thank you!

I'm glad you enjoyed it. :)


RE: FILL sherlockian_syn September 10 2020, 01:28:10 UTC

This is so, so good. Because of course Harley would get into a brawl with some of Joker's goons, go drinking, and then end up at Ivy's place. And of course Ivy would take care of her. It's perfect. Thank you SO much. <3


RE: FILL 4bdnsn0wflake September 10 2020, 22:56:01 UTC
You are very welcome!

I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D


Re: FILL lil_1337 September 14 2020, 03:47:37 UTC
That was messy and lovely.


Re: FILL 4bdnsn0wflake September 16 2020, 00:07:39 UTC
Thank you!


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