Don't You Remember | 40b/42

Aug 01, 2012 23:58

“I thought we were going to fuck,” Kurt said with a frown as he came out of the bathroom later to find Sebastian sitting on the couch, fiddling with the TV remote.

“We are,” Sebastian said. “C’mere.”

Kurt ignored the space next to him where Sebastian was gesturing for him to sit and instead crawled onto Sebastian’s lap. “I’m here,” he said, wrapping his arms around Sebastian’s neck. “Now what’s your big plan apart from this.” He grinned at the hiss Sebastian let out when he rolled his hips down against his erection.

“If you gave me a second to talk instead of attacking me, I’d tell you.” Sebastian said before pushing Kurt off his lap, sending him collapsing on the couch next to him. Kurt didn’t get a chance to be annoyed because his eyes fell on the TV screen and he froze.

The display was innocent, a blue background with a list of generic file names with ‘PRIVATE’ emblazoned at the top of the screen. The sight made Kurt’s heart stop pumping for a second as things clicked into place. Knowing what the file contained didn’t do anything to calm the part of him that had just discovered that -


Sebastian laughed. “So you do remember. And not tape, tapes.” Kurt stared at him, shocked and speechless. “Hey,” Sebastian said. “It was your idea.”

Kurt’s nails are digging into his skin where he’s got his hands curled into fists to restrain himself. Sebastian is kneeling on the bed in front of him, pushing his cock through his fist while his other hand plays with his nipples. Kurt stares transfixed at the wet tip of his cock as it slides in and out of sight, dripping precome. Sebastian’s close, his breaths uneven and thumb swiping furiously under the head of his cock the way it always does when he’s trying to push himself over the edge. Kurt has learned every tell in Sebastian’s body language, every little touch and what it means for Sebastian, for what he’s feeling. Just a little more and it’ll be enough...

“Come on,” Kurt whispers. “Come on, Sebastian.”

Sebastian can’t hear him, he’s too far away but the silent command to come must be evident on Kurt’s face because one glance at him and Sebastian’s eyes are slamming shut against the onslaught of pleasure as his orgasm finally hits him. He bends over, hand pumping his cock furiously, pulling out every last drop of com and with that, Kurt is pushing off from the wall and striding towards the bed. He presses Sebastian’s back to the mattress and seals their mouths together in a hungry, desperate kiss that is almost too hard to be pleasurable. But Kurt is far past any tenderness. He’s spent the past twenty five minutes watching Sebastian work his way up to and give himself an orgasm without once touching himself, or touching Sebastian and he is going to explode if he doesn’t come soon.

He wraps his hands around his erection, stroking erratically as every muscle in his body tightens. Sebastian is boneless and lazy, mouth pliant under Kurt’s lips. “Want some help with that?” he asks with a small, smug smirk, directing his eyes to where Kurt is furiously working his hand over himself. He sits up, scooting back on the bed enough for him to bend comfortably and take Kurt’s straining erection into his mouth.

Kurt gasps, falling back on the hand that’s pressed flat against the mattress and closing the other in Sebastian’s hair. “Fuck,” he breathes as Sebastian begins to suck him. “Fuck - Sebastian...”

It takes barely a minute of the hard, relentless sucking for him to come. Cool air ghosts across his spent cock, wet from Sebastian’s mouth as Sebastian releases him. Kurt shudders, collapsing on to the bed, lips still parted and body buzzing with the afterglow of his orgasm. It takes a few minutes for his vision to clear, for his breathing to return to normal. Sebastian is hovering over him, elbow propped up on the bed next to Kurt’s head.

“The next time we do that,” Kurt says breathlessly, trailing his fingertips over Sebastian’s chin, “I’m filming you.”

The shock was slowly fading as Kurt came to terms with the discovery. It was easier to get over the horror at the thought of him ever making a sex tape (tapes), once he remembered how comfortable he’d felt while making them. Images of him and Sebastian fumbling with cameras, working out angles, abandoning filming endeavours altogether to just fuck came trickling back to him but the actual content of those films remained muddled.

Something about the first file on the list caught his attention though, a feeling that he clicked it most out of all of them.


Looking away from the screen, Kurt found Sebastian staring at him. “Play the first one,” he said.

“Well that was a fast change of heart,” said Sebastian, eyebrows shooting up.

“I was just surprised before,” Kurt said quickly. “Play it, come on.”

“But that one’s just me -”

“Sebastian. I know.” Which surprised him because a second ago, he hadn’t known. But with Sebastian’s words, everything rushed back making Kurt’s cock twitch, his frustration growing when Sebastian didn’t make any move to play the video. “What are you waiting for?”

In lieu of a reply, Sebastian kissed him, fast and messy, not giving Kurt a chance to close his eyes before he was pulling away. A second later, the screen went blank as Sebastian clicked play.

”Mmm,” Kurt hums against Sebastian’s lips. “No touching involved, remember?”

“I can hardly do this without touching, Kurt,” Sebastian says before licking his way back into Kurt’s mouth.

“You know what I mean. No touching me.” Kurt struggles to find the strength to pull away from Sebastian but his husband is kneeling in front of him hot and hard and Kurt can’t resist dipping his head back down for one last kiss...

“Okay, okay. Stop,” he says a second later, tearing his lips away from Sebastian’s mouth but Sebastian just grabs the collar of Kurt’s shirt and hauls him back in. “No,” Kurt says, slipping out of Sebastian’s grip. “No more distractions.” He moves to their bookshelf, leaving Sebastian to flop down on the bed and let out a frustrated groan. Kurt takes a few, shaky breaths to calm himself and discreetly presses the heel of his hand against his clothed erection before picking up the video camera from the shelf and switching it on.

“Ready?” he asks, turning back to Sebastian.

Sebastian stretches himself out on the bed, arm curved over his head and rolls his eyes. “Who the fucks says ready before filming their boyfriend jerking off?”

“You’re not my boyfriend,” Kurt says, zooming in drastically to capture the look on Sebastian’s face. He peeks over the top of the camera and grins, “You’re my husband.”

“Oh right,” Sebastian says with a short laugh. “I forgot about that.”

“How can you forget we’re married? The ceremony was barely six months ago,” Kurt says, the hand holding the camera dropping down to his side in disbelief.

“Because we’ve been boyfriends way longer than we’ve been husbands? Why the fuck are we having this conversation, we’re supposed to be shooting porn.”

“I prefer to call it private entertainment,” says Kurt coolly, raising the camera again. “And you’re the one who keeps delaying things.”

“Fine,” Sebastian says. “Let’s do this”

Grinning, Kurt hits the record button

The video started abruptly, black screen cutting into a shot of Sebastian stretched out on their bed. He had the fingers of one hand playing with a nipple, cock gripped tightly in the other. Kurt felt a sharp tug of arousal low in his belly, heat quickly spreading through his body like liquid fire working its way up from the throb in his cock to the tips of his ears, trailing back down along his collarbone and chest. His mouth went dry, hand automatically moving to press against his crotch. He didn’t realize Sebastian had slid from the couch down to his knees in front of him until a puff of hair obscured his view before ducking out of sight. Kurt’s hand was pushed away, replaced by the warm, wet heat of Sebastian’s mouth.

“Oh god,” Kurt gasped without looking away from the TV. His hips arched up as Sebastian’s tongue swirled over the material of his briefs, making the damp cotton cling to his erection.

On-screen Sebastian looked directly at the camera and grinned lazily, the same grin Kurt found reflected back at him when he glanced down at his own Sebastian. Tilting his head, Sebastian kissed down the hard length of Kurt’s cock through his underwear, before moving back to the head and sucking it into his mouth. Kurt wished he had two pairs of eyes, that way he wouldn’t have had to choose between watching Sebastian touch himself or watching Sebastian touch him. It was a struggle to keep his eyes open at all, actually given the ripples of pleasure that kept rolling through his body with unexpected jolts.

Hands threading through Sebastian’s hair, Kurt looked back up, barely containing a low moan at the sight of on-screen Sebastian now on his stomach, ass on display as he rubbed himself against the sheets. Lips moved from his cock to the inside of Kurt’s thighs, sucking wet kisses along the skin and even though Kurt wasn’t looking at him, he knew Sebastian was enjoying this immensely. He tilted his hips up, hoping Sebastian would get the hint and remove his underwear but the suggestion as ignored, along with the low whine of desperation that escaped Kurt’s throat.

Kurt gave up, tugging Sebastian’s hair hard enough for it to hurt as a sign of how annoyed he was before he let himself relax and focused all his attention on the screen. Sebastian worked him up to the edge faster than he should have been able to without even taking off his briefs, but considering how Kurt had to restrain himself from coming every few seconds when on-screen Sebastian did something mind numbingly hot, he wasn’t surprised.

Eventually, the teasing torture of Sebastian’s mouth became too much. “Can you just -” Kurt tore his eyes away from the screen with great difficulty to glare at Sebastian, “- get on with it?” Sebastian smirked, tracing his tongue along the outline of Kurt’s balls before hooking his thumbs over the waistband of his briefs and finally pulling them down. “Thank you,” Kurt sighed in relief when Sebastian took him into his mouth.

“Too tight?”

Sebastian tugs at the scarf binding his wrists together over his head. “No, it’s fine.”

“Good.” Kurt leans down to kiss him briefly before sitting back up.

The tripod is set up next to the bed. All Kurt has to do is press the record button and then lose himself in touching Sebastian, but his brain is whirring, thinking of the limited visual capacity of having the camera at a stationary position. For one, when Kurt watches those videos later, he won’t be able to appreciate Sebastian the same way he can right now. The camera will only film him from the side, leaving the image of how he looks beneath Kurt’s straddling legs, muscles taut and skin flushed, all up to his own imagination.

“What?” Sebastian asks, eyes flickering over Kurt’s expression.

Kurt realizes he’s been chewing on his lower lip in contemplation as he stares at the camera. “Nothing,” he says quickly. “I’m just thinking if maybe we can find a better way to make this work.”

“Do you want me to turn over?” Sebastian asks. “You can fuck me deeper that way.”

The thought makes Kurt lose his train of thought for a second but he quickly regains his bearings and shakes his head. “No, I meant the camera - how am I going to be able to see you like this if it’s only filming from one angle?” He runs a finger down Sebastian’s chest, absently swirling it around a hardened nipple. “I guess I could hold the camera in my hand and ride you instead but that would -”

“No,” Sebastian cuts in firmly. “You got to make your wank material last week. This video is all for me.”

Kurt arches an eyebrow. “You’re not really in the position to be making demands right now.”

“Watch me,” Sebastian counters. “We are not going to make another video with just my face in it. I know I’m hot Kurt, but if I wanted to watch myself while I got off, I’d just look in the mirror.”

“Okay fine,” Kurt says with a huff of breath. “What do you want to jerk off to?”

“You,” says Sebastian simply. “I want to be able to watch you fuck me while I’m tied up. Simple as that. Which is why we’re not going to touch the camera and leave it exactly where it is.”

Kurt reaches out and takes the camera in his hand anyway, much to Sebastian’s frustration. “Oh shut up,” he says with a roll of his eyes. “We’ll do it your way but if we’re going to stick to boring angles while fucking, then I want a few shots of my own in the introduction.”

If Kurt had thought that nothing could be hotter than watching Sebastian touch himself, then he had been sorely wrong. The very first shot of the second video was a close up of a pair of tightly bound wrists, panning out to show the entirety of Sebastian’s upper body, beaded with sweat and squirming under the touch of Kurt’s wandering fingers.

“God, you look so hot,” Kurt’s on-screen counterpart said.

“Do I?” Sebastian asked, looking up at Kurt from his knees. His voice was closer, rough from blowing Kurt in a way that made his insides twist hotter and Kurt gave up the image on the TV to look back down at the real thing. Sebastian’s cheek was pressed to Kurt’s knee, hand now moving over Kurt’s cock with the same, slow rhythm his mouth had been just seconds ago. “Kurt,” he said, smirk pulling the corner of his mouth up. “Do I look hot?”

“Yes,” Kurt breathed as Sebastian twisted his hand on the upstroke. He was leaking precome onto Sebastian’s fingers, his whole body desperate for release. “Sebastian...” He didn’t need to complete his sentence because Sebastian seemed to understand. He leaned up, slanting his mouth over Kurt’s and kissing him briefly, but thoroughly before he took his hand and pulled Kurt to the floor. A white sheet followed after them as Sebastian hastily spread it out on their rug and crawled on top of it.

“We don’t have any condoms left,” he explained at the sight of Kurt’s inquiring face.

Kurt was secretly glad. The thought of Sebastian fucking him without anything in between them appealed greatly to his lust clouded mind, ruined sheets be damned. To his surprise - and disappointment - instead of positioning himself behind Kurt, Sebastian moved to settle on all fours in front of him. “Hang on-”

“What for?” Sebastian asked. “Fuck me, come on. I’m ready.”

He was, Kurt noted; stretched open and wet from lube, clenching in anticipation as he waited for Kurt to fuck him. The sight of on-screen Kurt working three fingers into Sebastian seemed to mock the fact that Kurt had been denied the same pleasure. Figuring there was no point in arguing over why Sebastian hadn’t let him do the job, Kurt said, “I want to bottom.”

“After this,” Sebastian said, reaching behind him to spread his cheeks, trying to tempt Kurt into hurrying up. It worked.

“Ioh- I won’t last that long,” said Kurt as he sunk into Sebastian slowly.

“Well you’ll have to.”

Sweat was beading on his forehead with effort it took to not come. Kurt squeezed his eyes shut to keep himself from looking at the TV, a single glance at which would be enough to make him lose control. In the end, it didn’t matter because the combined moans from both Sebastian’s were enough to break the last of Kurt’s resolve and he shuddered forward as relief flooded every tense muscle in his body.


“What now?” Sebastian asks tiredly.

“The lighting is all wrong!” Kurt says, oozing frustration as he runs a hand through his hair. “It’s not working out the way I want.”

Sebastian’s leaning against the window in their lounge, looking like something out of Kurt’s wet dreams - exactly like something out Kurt’s wet dreams, to be honest - with the sleeves of his white button up rolled up to his elbows, black bowtie undone around his neck. He looks just like he did the night of Kate and John’s wedding, so distractingly gorgeous that Kurt wants to screw his plans of filming them and get straight to the good part. But he’s the one who had insisted that they get the tripod and camera and film themselves before they did this because the opportunity was perfect. It’s been the only thing on his mind since Sebastian walked out of their bedroom hours ago, ready to leave for Blaine’s engagement party, the only thing that kept Kurt from breaking his champagne flute at the sight of Tyler’s face throughout the evening (he still doesn’t like the guy).

“Kurt.” His name is lost amidst the sigh that accompanies it as Sebastian pushes off from the window and moves into Kurt’s personal space. “Can we just forget about your obsession with shooting porn for tonight?”

“Private entertainment,” Kurt corrects automatically as Sebastian’s arm circle his waist. “And no. I don’t want to forget. You look gorgeous and I want to remember this.”

“You can remember it without filming it, too.” They’re swaying on the spot now, a whisper of a dance that Kurt falls into without noticing.

“No,” Kurt says with a stubborn shake of his head. “Give me a minute. I’ll figure out what to -” Sebastian doesn’t give him a minute. He leans down and cuts off Kurt’s sentence with his mouth, tip of his tongue pressing against the seam of Kurt’s lips before he closes his lips around it and kisses him soundly.

“You know,” says Kurt, turning his face to break the kiss and nudge his nose against Sebastian’s. “I never thought you’d be so indifferent about all of this. I thought it would be the kind of thing you’re into given your narcissistic personality and all.”

“I’m not the only narcissist in this house, baby.” Sebastian says, taking Kurt’s hand and lifting it up to thread his fingers through his.

“Doesn’t change the fact that you’re not even the least bit interested in helping me out.”

“Who says I’m not interested?” Sebastian leans against Kurt, forcing him to dip back, supported only by the arm still firmly encircled around his waist. Kurt lets his head fall back, neck bared for Sebastian to press a kiss against his adam’s apple. It’s surprisingly relaxing. He straightens up again and Sebastian says, “I just find it incredibly funny how seriously you treat your porn.”

“Private entertainment.” Sebastian kisses the crease between Kurt’s eyebrows and laughs quietly, body quivering under Kurt’s palms. “Whatever,” Kurt mutters but he’s smiling. Sebastian’s touches are tender, leaning towards romantic and sensual, a combination Sebastian pulls off effortlessly and as he’s admitted, only ever with Kurt. It’s actually perfect for what Kurt wants. “I think I’ve figured it out,” he says.

“Figured what out?” Sebastian asks, palm sliding under Kurt’s shirt to rest against the small of his back.

“How to fix the lighting.” Kurt steps away from Sebastian and turns the lamp off, leaving them to blink in the light slanting in through the windows.

“I don’t think that’s going to help your shot,” says Sebastian.

“There isn’t going to be any shot,” Kurt says, slowly unbuttoning his shirt and draping it over the back of the couch.


“You’re right. I don’t need to film this to remember it.”

“You can if you want,” Sebastian says, watching Kurt step out of his pants and boxers, still fully dressed himself. “I don’t mind. You’re not the only one benefiting from this new hobby.”

Kurt smiles and moves back to Sebastian, threading his fingers through the small hairs at the base of his neck. “Oh I know,” he says. “But I changed my mind. We’ll look better filming in daylight. For now...” He brings their mouths together again, the hand not in Sebastian’s hair fumbling with the button of his slacks. “Keep the shirt on.”

Lube bottle being uncapped, Sebastian’s fingers slowly opening him up, the distant sound of skin slapping against skin as they continued to fuck on camera - Kurt was in the middle of all of it with a sort of relaxed, sleepy awareness. His body opened up for Sebastian’s fingers easily, loose and pliant after his last orgasm and too heavy to move from his current position flat on his back. It meant he couldn’t see the TV but the light of it throwing shadows on Sebastian’s body was equivalent to porn for him.

Private entertainment, a voice corrected him in his head.

Kurt closed his eyes, letting himself surrender to touch, gripping Sebastian’s bicep loosely as he tipped his head back against a cushion and let out a quiet sigh.

“Ah,” his body twitched with oversensitivity when Sebastian’s finger brushed his prostrate.

“Ssh,” Sebastian hushed him, withdrawing his fingers for a brief few seconds before pressing them right back in. Kurt didn’t have the energy to cry out when they rubbed over his prostrate again but his body jerked harder this time, simultaneously trying to twist away and press closer. “Do you want me to stop?” asked Sebastian.

“No,” Kurt said without opening his eyes. “Keep going.”

“Thought so.” He didn’t tease Kurt for too long, finally pulling his fingers away a few seconds later to wipe them on the sheet. Kurt opened his eyes when he felt Sebastian start to push into him slowly, the relief on his face mirroring what Kurt felt. He realized belatedly that a sudden silence had fallen around them and it took another hazy second for him to figure out why.

“Why’d you pause the video?” he asked, hitching a leg around Sebastian’s thigh.

“It’s not like you can see from here.” Sebastian’s head dipped down, sweaty forehead pressing against Kurt’s as he finally sunk in the rest of the way. Words were lost after that in favor of rocking together in a rhythm much gentler than before; long, hard thrusts that left both of them gasping for air. Kurt’s body was humming with sensitivity, amplifying every point of contact between their bodies. It made keeping his eyes open a struggle but Kurt didn’t want to close them when Sebastian was watching him so intently.

Sebastian came with a low groan, cock throbbing and spilling inside of Kurt with a final, hard thrust. The feeling of Sebastian coming inside of him was enough to tip Kurt over the edge for the third time that night, and he spurted weakly between their bodies, turning his head to catch Sebastian’s mouth. They were still kissing when Sebastian slipped out of him and on to his side. His fingers touched Kurt’s cheek before skimming up his temple to card through his hair.

“I can’t feel my legs,” Kurt said, huffing out a laugh when Sebastian tried to urge him on top of him.

Flopping on to his back, Sebastian sighed. “Me neither, actually.”

“And my back kind of hurts too.”

“What about those three orgasms I gave you?”

Kurt smiled. “Yeah. Those were nice.”

He craned his neck to catch an upside down glimpse of the paused picture on the screen. “We still have three left,” he said absently.

Sebastian, who had been staring at the ceiling, turned his gaze to Kurt with eyebrows raised and asked, “Orgasms?”

“No, you idiot. I was talking about the videos.”

“Oh.” Sebastian laughed and lifted his head up to look at the TV. “We can watch them later.”

Kurt had no doubt that he would come back to watch every video multiple times or at least until he had jerked himself raw but for now, all he wanted was to get off the floor, get clean and crawl into bed with his husband. If only he could gather the strength to move. Sebastian looked enviously peaceful next to him, eyes closed and chest rising and falling evenly, like he was already slipping into unconsciousness. Kurt nudged him with his elbow. “Sebastian?”


“Can you carry me to the bedroom?”

Sebastian opened his eyes and tilted his head to smile at Kurt. “Why the hell would I do that?”

“Because I’m too fucked out to move.”

“So am I.”

“Are you planning to spend the night on the floor, then?”

“Maybe.” Kurt nudged him again, harder this time. Sebastian sighed and pushed himself up onto his elbows. “Fine.”

He picked up the TV remote from next to Kurt as he stood up, switching it off along with the lamp. Bathed in darkness, he was just a shadow as he moved through the lounge and Kurt watched him sleepily, waiting for the arms to slip under him. When they finally did, he couldn’t stop the yelp that escaped him at the suddenness and shakiness with which Sebastian scooped him up, a yelp that quickly turned into a laugh as he locked his arms around Sebastian’s neck and leaned his head against his shoulder.

“I enjoy the fact that you’re taller than me,” he said.

Sebastian only grunted in response as he shouldered open the door to their bedroom. He lowered Kurt on to the bed gently, fighting Kurt’s attempts to pull him down on top of him. “Hang on,” he said. “I need to get something to clean us up.” He returned with a warm, damp towel a minute later but instead of giving it to Kurt, began wiping off the dried come himself. Kurt stretched back against the pillows, letting Sebastian clean him up. It was just a stupid towel, but Kurt felt pampered nonetheless.

“Come here,” he said softly when Sebastian had finished. Throwing the towel aside, Sebastian finally let Kurt pull him down to the bed and kiss him. His tongue flicked out, soft against the roof of Kurt’s mouth, familiar. Kurt sucked on it gently, releasing it only to take Sebastian’s upper lip between his own lips and press a series of small kisses against it. “You know I love you?”

“I think so. Yeah.” Sebastian said with a small grin. The fingers of both hands carded through Kurt’s hair, playing lightly with the strands. “I love you too.”

“That’s comforting to know,” Kurt teased, eyes crossing as Sebastian leaned in closer to his face. Their lips met, too lazy to kiss properly but it was satisfying nonetheless.

“Move over a bit,” Sebastian said a second letter, nudging Kurt with his knee. “I want to lie down properly.”

Kurt turned over so his back was pressed along Sebastian’s chest and drew Sebastian’s arm around his waist after they’d tugged the sheets up over themselves. Threading their fingers together, he raised their joined hands to his lips and kissed the back of Sebastian’s hand. Sebastian continued to press small kisses to the back of Kurt’s ear, his neck and shoulder, movements getting slower each second. His breathing finally slowed, but he didn’t shift away from Kurt’s body like he usually did in his sleep. He would, eventually. Sebastian couldn’t sleep in one position throughout the night if someone bound his hands and legs. But for those few minutes, he remained wrapped around Kurt like a second skin. Kurt breathed deeply, and blinked sleepily at the windows in front of him.

He was nodding off to sleep himself, nose buried in their pillows that held the distinctive them scent of sweat, shampoo and cologne. He realized, seconds before he fell asleep that this was the same position he’d imagined that first morning after waking up in his apartment after the accident; lying on the bed with someone’s arm wrapped around his waist, the tingling of his skin where lips had touched the back of neck - comfortable, safe, loved.

rated: nc-17, glee: sebastian/kurt, fic: don't you remember, fandom: glee

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