Drabble: Blood and Lust (Edward/Bella)

Jul 10, 2009 08:03

Accidentally deleted this, didnt realize, so here it is again :D

Title: Blood and Lust

Rating: PG

Author: Commen_Sense

Pairing: Edward/Bella

Genre: Romance

Summary: It’s not wrong to want her blood…but to want her?

A/N: For the prompt “bite” Still getting into the twilight fandom… :P

The blood lust he’d felt for her when her scent had first filled his senses had been wrong but it had been only natural; a part of him that couldn’t be truly stopped.

But what he was feeling now was something he couldn’t explain, even to himself.

He still imagined the taste of her blood on his lips but he also imagined how her skin would feel against his touch…how her voice would sound moaning his name…he felt things he’d never felt before, his desire morphing into something completely different until he forgot what he wanted;

Her blood or her…

[fandom] fanfiction

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