Dec 06, 2004 19:44
today was emotionally draining. i had the auditions for the school musical....totally pointless its all political im not involved in the music dept so im not going to get a part....its not like im at dance 15 hours a week or anything. so that was blah not to mention the show is...les mis. gross
then i played laser tag with eric, chet, dane, steven, and danes 2 brothers. 4 rounds i got high score for 3 of them. ive never played before can i just say i rock. and my team was 3 against 4 and we won all 3 rounds i got high score in. yes yes yes.
then i go to dance finish my solo to close every door to me from joseph eh its not bad. well betsy my dance teacher told me that she would put my solo in the x-mas shows so when i see the lists and its not there i inquire. "betsy you said my solo would be in the x-mas show, you lied." "well maggie your costume isnt finished in time im sorry i really wanted to put it in." TOTAL BS. caleigh, jeremy, and mandy and im sure others all have new costumes that are magically getting finished in time. i am the only one in the sr company who is not in a solo or a duet. im sick of this. i work my ass off and what do i get for it NOTHING. my mom called her and shes going to call her back tonight. if i dont get an answer i like im quitting. im a sr in high school i dont have to put up with getting shat on for MY year. i just dont understand what i do that is so horrible for her to give me the shaft all the time.