Does he know I carry a gun?

Mar 13, 2008 20:26

Ahh. I love my Nana and Pap. Severely.

My Nana is such a criminal. This title, definitely a quote from her. She was talking about how she has to approve of Kevin. Then she asked me that question. Then she proceeded to say, "Because I'm not afraid to go back to jail.". I love her.  Man, I missed them.

I'm downloading a bunch of family photos on my myspace. God, I miss my family. I hardly ever to get to see them, but when I do, damn I love em.

You can always tell when my Nana and Pap are in town. There are three tells: The first; there's 2% milk in the fridge. The second; there's tomato juice in the fridge pour moi. The third; the top of the microwave is littered with meds. And also, they're the only Florida plate you'll find in Michigan. Because they're just crazy enough to come up here.

So, here I am just sitting in the kitchen listening to them discuss when dates of past events were and reminiscing on them.

I'll be going down to Kokomo over spring break for the birth of Hayden, younger sister to Haley.

Things are actually going quite well. I survived the ACT and the MME, there hasn't been any unnecessary/unwanted drama with anyone, Kevin and I are celebrating our 3 month, my Nana and Pap are here, and I'm really happy. All is well in the jungle, really. Tomorrow we start new trimesters. I have a pretty sweet schedule. 1st hour Myth w/ Chris and Quinn, 2nd hour Chem with Kevin, 3rd hour Art, 4th hour Math with Kev, and 5th hour BST. Art and BST are pretty much blow off classes. My only concern is getting 1st lunch because of a lack of juniors in my first hour. If that happens, I'll probably drop art and take something else.

But thats all with me... .

I really want some yogurt.

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