Mar 02, 2008 10:44
In a town where paper bags roll like tumbleweeds, and there's a blizzard after every flood, I sit down at a glowing screen in front of a letter piano in Hell to tell you all what's shakin'. Well... nothing. Absolutely nothing. Except for all this that I'm about to tell you!!!!! :
Moth-Man (writing at least) has progressed to issue two. Issue one is, again, all up to me to finish. The cover's done, but I'm a lazy bastard who plays Gears of War instead of... well, anything else. Smelly Kid has turned into my favorite thing to draw, and Goth-Man and Javaman character designs have finally made an appearance in my sketch book.
Like I always say, I'm craving to do something else with 7N instead of just in my head. I just think my artistic skills haven't caught up to the awesome writing and story that is 7N. So I must wait. Wait in agonizing pain of creative suffering. Darn.
PERSONAL CRAP! I write about other people now!
My little Evyn is growing up so fast. She now has a boyfriend, two kids, a great Victorian house on Main Street, and a golden labrador retriever made entirely out of gold. Yes, gold.
Pretty much, she's shunned me as a lover and thrown me out on the street with nothing to my name except my beloved cow-print futon couch. DO NOT QUESTION THE COW.... PRINT!
Yes, she has a boyfriend, so I have been lowered to body guard for now. I am extremely happy for her, and approve greatly of her boyfriend, and wish them the best forever and ever and ever. Amen. As long as he doesn't touch my cow-print.
As for me, I stay alone, eating pizza, drawing comics about a fat kid who smells, and watch The Fly while I ponder about why I don't own this amazing movie and keep renting it from Blockbuster. One of those unanswered questions of life, I guess.
Well, I crave the blood of Locusts, so I'm off to play GoW. AND OH! If you little drones of mine haven't already, I found an awesome game called Lost Planet. Not a good story line, but if you like shooting totally awesome looking robot alien insects that die in big explosions, its for you. Check it out.
Good bye for now!
Lost Planet SUCKS.
That is all.