Jul 22, 2008 13:43
I just realized how racist Spy v. Spy is. I've been living under a rock.
I was also wondering if humans are the only species to care about how they look. I mean REALLY care about how they look.
My mom has a high school reunion coming up, and if you know my mom, you know she cares about the way she looks waaaay too much. She tans 3 times a week, works out consistently, and got implants about two years ago. Well, I don't play that. I don't work out, I don't tan, and I don't care to obsess over what I eat. I like sitting around playing video games, watching movies, reading, drawing, and pretty much doing no physical labor. Now, I'm not fat. I don't think I'm really out of shape, but my parents beg to differ. Long story short, I have a personal trainer for the next two weeks. But I'm trying to look on the positive side of this; if anything I'll just get to punch inanimate objects for an hour every Tuesday and Thursday. I'm really just afraid this is gonna turn me into my mom, which would be bad, because I like being a lazy nerd who's either thinking about sex or Star Wars (and sometimes both[*coughcoughHanSolocoughcough*]).
Well, thats all for my bitching for today. I'm gonna go download music.