Lotta stuff happened since I last posted. We had to put our dog down, which hurt badly. He wasn't old so there wasn't any time to prepare. Mikey was just gone one day.
Christmas happened. Basically my parents think that if I can make money going to college- there's no point in buying me stuff. Unless it's to make me more girly. I give in more and more each year.
- 5 sweaters, 2 of which I returned
- 3 wool berets ( a black, a purple, and a camel)
- 1 scarf, that I returned
- 1 suede bucket hat
- vanilla perfume
- chai tea body butter
- platinum-clad hood earings
- 56" multi-colored baroque pearl necklace. It's GORGEOUS. This years "surprise."
- 1 plushie Phone bone from Caroline!
I also bough Goldfinger's Human Anatomy for Artists, and Animal Anatomy for Artists, which I got together in a set for 35$, Human anatomy by itself retails for 65$
Both are excellent reference tomes- a good balance between pictures and words( unsurprisingly art refrence books have a tendency to be rather sparse with words.)
I really only bought it for the Animal book- I already knew the Human anatomy book would be to advanced for me.
I also nabbed both Amulet and Out of Picture. Both are books I've been waiting years to finally hit the shelves. It was a good day when they finally arrived. I demand more books like this!
Both are well deserving of all the praise, GO BUY THEM NOW.
I really want to do a no-border comic ala Andrea Blasich. It's a style that lends itself towards short whimsy narratives, which I like. All the artists I've seen do comics like that have style similar to mine.
I should go draw now.
Completely off subject BUT-
I didn't think it was possible for Pixar to get any more awesome points from me.
Emeryville is by San Fransisco.
Did not know- for some reason I kept thinking it was a weird suburb of L.A.
I am estatic that this is not the case.
I despise L.A like you wouldn't believe.
Pixar also has an Undergraduate training program which is preaty amazing.
basicly- I apply and hope that someone not at CalArts has a shot at getting in the program, then I drop around 3 grand on an apartment and whatnot to go. But it's PIXAR. Thus- it would be worth every penny.
I don't think I have a chance. But how many things did I apply for that I didn't think I had a chance to get, and got? Enough to shoot for the moon and miss with pizazz!
I need to go draw stuff ( I hace 10 pages to finish that DAMN sketchbook) a postcard I owe, and 3 postcards to mail ie, the same three as before.