O Captain, my Captain

Mar 01, 2009 00:18

I think I have this inability to keep a livejournal header for more than a week.
I have a new one. X]


I've had this strange fixation on chinese food for the past few days. lol, strange huh?
'Cause Wednesday I went out after school for chinese with Sara, Paige, Tylar and Kenny. And mannn is was good. :] I don't remember liking it that much. But it was really good.
Tylar sucks at using chopsticks, btw. It's hilarious watching her trying to use them.


We've been watching Dead Poets Society in english class. I saw it in my creative writing class last year, but the quality was bad, and everyone was talking and no one was paying attention soooo. I recorded it on my DVR last night, and finished watching it today and it's amazing. :]


I was so sad when Neil Perry killed himself. D: He was my favorite character, [WHICH IS SO TYPICAL I MUST SAY.] other than Todd, of course.
The second he got the gun from his dad's drawer and set it in front of him I burst into tears. D: It didn't help that I read this before that. [I had no idea that it was actually a fan-written version of exactly what had happened.] It made the scene much more intense. D:
His dad was such a life-sucking asshole. I hated him. And him and the other teachers went straight to blaming Mr. Keating, when it was really his dad's fault, basically. He had this set plan for what he wanted Neil to do and wouldn't let him do what Neil truly wanted to do, and there seemed like there was nothing Neil could do about it. In my opinion, Neil felt like that was his only way out. And I figured it was a nice 'fuck you' to kill himself at his father's desk. ]: But I was so sad.


But this was my favorite scene:

image Click to view

"Well, I wouldn't worry. You'll get another one next year."
Haha. They're so cute. :]
I adore the dialogue.

Icons. <3

sad, video, dead poets society, movies

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