Reading these seriously make me laugh until I cry and bang my head on the table. I can hardly handle it. And the really good ones I can read over and over with the same reaction.
I can't even get over the Marie Antoinette snark. I haven't seen the movie, and probably won't (the creator of Lost In Translation can hardly be trusted), but I am familiar with the disjointed soundtrack double-CD, which lacks any artistic (or curatorial?) coherence or integrity. At least, to my ears, which are attached to a head that stubbornly refuses to contextualize the soundtrack by, you know, watching the movie.
But seriously, fuck Sofia Coppola. She is such an unbelievable shitass. "Lost in Translation" being a prime example. Some blog that I read coined the term "Sofia Coppola Feminism" (SCF) to describe the sort of "I'm a feminist because I do whatever I want" kind of bullshit thinking. Amazing.
I know, right? I can't comprehend why any self-respecting local alternative weekly newspaper runs that crap This Modern World instead of this stream of genius.
Wait, yes I can. Those newspapers have no self respect.
Comments 9
Ah, it is Black Amazon:
Wait, yes I can. Those newspapers have no self respect.
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