(no subject)

Dec 22, 2005 10:20

So I woke up at around 820 this morning, due to my mother not realizing that our walls are like, paper thin? And talking loudly. She was also a bit pissy, so being the good daughter that I am, started cleaning my room. I basically got rid of alot of clothes from my closet and still have to actually, you know, straighten up and such but atleast my closet is pretty!

I had a really cracked out dream, like right before I woke up. David Bowie was like, in a Payless shoe store, but he looked sorta..like Jareth from the Labryinth if I remember correctly, except he had Purple hair annnd was wearing a long, purple leopard print (velvet!) skirt. I remember like, spazzing out and hugging him, but I was really short (..or it was probably 'cause he had on really really really tall purple platformy boots) and he like, picked me up and I was a good foot off the ground when he hugged me back.


Breakfast and caffeine are needed, so I'm ganna go do that. Have a nice day LJ.

dreams, cleaning

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