(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 11:37

Im so unbelieveably spazzy right here at this moment (ha xD) I blame the liquid crack known as powerade. That shit is addictive, yo. Better than drugs and omg it keeps you hydrated and has all these viteamins and stuff.

The downside? It tastes like crap. Yeah.

So anyway, the Army is supposed to call me at some point. That sounds random, I know, but its not really. I sent this info thing in, trying to get a messanger bag for free? And ah, they sorta took it as a sign that I wanted to be recruited and I don't so now they've been trying to get into contact with me. I refuse. Like whoa.

And to top things off? I have shell out my own money for the messanger bag, since the fuckers never sent mine. I feel harassed. Throughly.

Still haven't read all of HBP, but thats only because Im savoring it. I mean, God knows how long it'll take for the seventh book to come out. So far I'm really pleased, save for a few irks, but Im pretty sure I'll write a big post about it later on. I'm just spiffy like that.

Yanno what amuses me? A couple of days ago, I posted a one sentence post (or, ok it had like 3? whatever) and I got like..17 posts. I bet this will get..two at the most. not a hint. I promise.

Gacked from fromautumn and tune_me_out or two people like that.

Tramp Bear

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Anyone else amused? or is it just me? xD

hyper, army, harrypotter

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