(no subject)

Jun 14, 2005 10:23

OMGWTFLOLBBQ!? ok so, I thought about only updating with that..then figured I'd be IMed to death with "HEY BIATCH UPDATE FO' RIZZLE THIS TIME YO" and I didn't want that, because being IMed to death is never fun.

So, what have I done this summer? Not a damned thing. I sleep, I eat, and I read. Yeah. I did spend some time with Jea and Charlie but..thats sorta stopped. Makes me sorta sad but yeah. I should probably be, yanno, productive and run (and I swear my Cellphone Alarm clock has been set everyday for 7:30. I've just found the handy dandy SNOOZE button and then eventually the STOP button which is even more handier and tres more dandier).

Mm. I leave for North Carolina on July First, buuuuuut I leave for Chattanooga the day before. Yay. I shouldn't sound so sarcastic, I mean I am excited, but theres the fact that I'll be dragged to EVERY antique barn/loft/store/garage/hamper/stop light/etc within a 100 mile radius of Raleigh.

Atleast theres good food and the promise of Carrowinds (Biiig Theme Park thingy)

So right. Should go scavenge for food as I've yet to eat and thats never a good thing. TA!
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