Jul 10, 2009 15:34
in the woods among friends. had to piss. went into a bathroom with strange lighting and thought i saw a ghost. a ghost moved my grandmother's long fur coat that i own in real life. i ran out. ended up in this huge mansion. these creeps were holding us hostage. all i had on was a dress, and i knew they were going to kill these kittens there and eat them, as well as me, so i scooped up the kittens with whoever i was with- i think mike, and just made a pocket out of my dress for them. one of the guys that was holding me hostage there was tall and balding and thin with big, disturbing wide eyes that seemed to be opened to their maximum capacity at all times. the other guy was this weirdo hick looking motherfucker who didn't speak the best english. like a perfect horror flick, this guy was obviously the braun and my fellow with the wide-eyed survey was the brains.
there were actually other psychos living in the house. it was a perfect bad dream scenario since i was actually surrounded like a prisoner of war in a psycho concentration camp. i will say that the mansion had a wrap-around veranda on stilts like any of the summer homes you'll find on the cape or in the little nooks and crannies of new england's towns.
so for some reason these two psychos take off and i scoop up the baby kittens in my dress and i try to esacpe. for some reason in my dreams i could apparently see through walls and knew these weirdos were going outside to hang out with the rest of the psychos. i ran in the opposite direction around the house instead of going through the house and i was trying to sneak down the stairs on the side of the yard and just fucking make a beeline for the woods and run until i found someone's yard and beg for help.
instead i saw that the two main dudes were approaching me so i got real nice and ran around and hid until they went down the stairs and into the backyard. at that point i manned up, which was probably one of the scariest parts of the dream and just bolted out of the yard as fast as i could praying no one would see me.
of course, that's stupid. and of course they saw me. so the big bulky psycho chased after me into the woods with this weird weapon made of marble, almost like a pizza cutter and i knew he was going to slash me up as a result of it. i scrambled like someone who hadn't used their legs in 6 months through the woods, the thickets and the thorny plants until i reached a fenced in area. at this point mike or whoever it was appeared again and i was whispering frantically that we needed to hop the fence.
the weird part was that this fenced in area was covered in plastic but there were trees poking out from it and growing. i managed to hop the fence and we tried to scramble underneath the plastic part to hide, to no avail.
the dude with the weapon came like a heat-seeking missile. i was absolutely terrified and reduced to nothing more than trying to crawl away from him backwards on my hands and knees. he kept threatening me with the weapon so i just grabbed it out of his hands and tried to stab him, but he laughed and said i had to cut backwards in order to use it. so i did, i was cutting into this guy's arms and cheeks but he wouldn't fuck off. the next thing i know, the wide-eyed psycho is there too and he's also going to kill me and my kittens and mike. so i spazzed out and reached for his face and cut his eyeballs. i blinded him. that still didn't stop them and they started shooting at us, so i took off running like a bat out of hell into a normal person's yard.
overall, there were three fences i had to hop, and the very last one was so high i didn't think i'd be able to make it over, in my dream i could feel the old wood destroying my hands, knees, and feet as i tried to climb over.
don't even ask me how i'm still holding the kittens anymore, but they were there.
in the next person's yard i let the kittens go free and the lady told me i was safe but i assured her i didn't feel safe and could i please have a ride? i don't feel safe walking on the main roads right now.
she declined, so i had to skulk my way through this weird bizarro town until i came to businesses. i saw weird shit going on, and ended up in a "dream map" of a place where i've been before in dreams. it's a bar, but it's a little white room with a strange futuristic shape and instead of the bar being the main point of observation, it's a giant checkerboard and behind that is the bar but instead og liquor only, there are liquor and books there. it's surrounded by stairs and one set leads up, from where i was into this place. and the other set leads out of the place.
so i left, and somehow it was bright and sunny out again. i ran off with mike to what i guess is our house and the psychos were there waiting. he told me we could escape from the clothes line and i tried. i was too scared to reach the rope and i was certain it would rip if i tried to hang from it.
he kicked open the wall and just jumped, and told me it was fine. which is impossible because at that height someone would have definitely broken their legs. so i kinda shimmied along the clothes line like jackie chan and ended up on the ground. i think that's the point where i woke up.
weird, right?