When was the last time you did something dangerous?
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The last time I did something dangerous? This doesn't count accidental hazards, right? The last time I did something considered dangerous was about 8 years ago when I went rock climbing with Corey. That was....interesting.
Runner up:
I was with a group of friends in the northern bits of Minnesota. It was winter...we were college kids... *ahem* Anyway, we were up there seeing the falls in the Duluth area and I saw a friend step out onto an ice shelf over the water. He kicked his heel onto the ice and walked off. Not to be outdone in front of the ladies, I stomped out there too. Notice that I said stomped. I got out there and, not to be outdone, slammed my heel into the ice. I hear a cracking/rumbling sound and everything switches to slow motion. The iceshelf collapses out from under me and i'm quickly sinking into the water. Luckily, a friend reaches out to grab me just as I do this incredibly stupid thing. *phew*
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