Feb 05, 2004 21:36
I'm going to take AP English next year, I found out today. That's nice, considering the fact that I'm not really that great in English class, but it was also based on my PSAT scores, which were as high as a kite on airskates.
There is a new boy at school named Eric. He went to Smithfield and Mansfield High, but didn't seem to know any of the people I questioned him about. He is very tall and nice and obsessed with fencing.
After school I did the Celtic fiddle thing and felt a little better about my musical skill, then after hanging around in the cafeteria for a while I took a bus to the mall and played about fifteen games (45 songs) of DDR. There was the tiny Asian girl I saw the day of the Rush Hour concert, as well as a pack of cute Asian girls. One of them was especially friendly and enthusiastic, and the first thing she said to me after we introduced ourselves was "So you're Asian too?" Another one thought I was eleven or twelve, which was kinda kinda creepy.
They were all really impressed with my playing because they were all newbies. Nothing that great, except I passed Speed Over Beethoven on Standard for the First Time Ever, and and and and and and and I got a B! I ended up playing that song five or six times at their fault. At one point there was a boy who attempted it, but then realised he couldn't do it and jumped off and let me finish. Sweet.
The tiny girl was better than I, but very very quiet when I tried to talk to her.
^_^ !!!!!!!!!