Where have I been?!

Oct 11, 2010 20:59

 OMG! These meds must be working.  LOL!

It's okay. Really. I'm just mellow about things, which is good I think. I'm handling all the little crises that happen in life and I'm not flying off the handle about them.

Got an actual call from a debt collector over one of the bills the husband 'forgot' to pay. *rolls eyes* That was an interesting experience. At least he seemed to be a nice person, and he was very kind about letting me leave my office for a few minutes and return his call from my cell phone outside rather than having that kind of a conversation in the middle of a cubicle farm on a monitored telephone line.

My mother is acting up again, and I'm handling her with loving kindness, and I'm keeping my tongue, both of which I'm attributing to this new medication because it's the only thing I can think of that is keeping me this sane when dealing with her.

My dad and little brother have both been out of work now for a while, and they are still surviving. I wish I could do more for them, but sadly, I can't, so I'm accepting my limitations.

The husband is back to graveyard shifts, which is harder on me for a variety of reasons, but so far, I'm doing what I can to adapt, and letting the rest roll by. And tomorrow he's going with me to therapy so we can work on the issues related to our marriage, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed that something positive will come out of that too.

And my muses have been visiting too! I've been writing again, enough that I'm thinking of adding to Planetary Collisions, or working on my other series of 8 stories that is on my drawing board. Maybe even finding a name for it. And I'm designing earrings, necklaces, bracelets, rings-- all kinds of shiny! things. (I love the sparkle! shiny!)

I think I'm even getting used to having less energy than I did before. I'm kind of adapting to writing notes to myself in a notebook when I'm tired so that when I have energy I can go back and remember what I wanted to do. It's an adaptation. If only I could get a nap at work about 2:30 in the afternoon, LOL. 

family drama, husband, medications, challenges, good things

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