Haven't done this in a while

Oct 05, 2016 22:45

Hey potential writer, thanks for taking the time to look at this letter. I'll try to keep it quick!

DNWs: romcom "misunderstanding" hijinks, christmas stories, mundane AUs

Favorite tropes: friends to lovers, bully to protector, poly, possessiveness

Requests for 91 Days (Corteo, Angelo Lagusa | Avilio Bruno), World Trigger (Kuga Yuuma), and 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako) are behind the cut.

91 Days - Corteo, Angelo Lagusa | Avilio Bruno
I love these two and their relationship! I'm interested in any part of their backstory together, or missing scenes or expansions on events during the canon. I'd especially be thrilled to read more about their time together in Chicago and how they spend it. I ship them but also love their desperate found-family dynamic if you prefer a brotherly take. I enjoy emotional and psychological stories, stories that are light but bittersweet, hurt/comfort and thrilling, dangerous action. I also love exploration of characters' relationships and power dynamics. I'm interested in stories of all ratings.

So! This show does a thing I deeply appreciate in showing us a few moments among many. There is so much room in the canon left for us to fill in the unseen. Based on how deeply emotionally connected Corteo and Angelo are, I'd love for you to fill in some of the moments between them condensed or hidden by the show. Furtively meeting despite high risks! Secret relationships! Angelo-as-Avilio playing gunsel to the objects of his wrath, and tormentor to his most beloved living connection! Corteo reacted so visibly when he heard Avilio tell Nero almost the same line that bound them together after the Lagusas were torn apart. How does Angelo swallow it all with his Lawless Heaven-- or is it Corteo's touch with the orange peel that helps him manage? I love that they gave us Chicago and let the guys indulge in that time together despite the danger. I wish they could've had more time together.

World Trigger - Kuga Yuuma
I'm so curious to know more about this guy! Specifically about how he and his reproduced shell function. How does it effect him physically, mentally and emotionally to be slowly dying in a suspended state and how does his incredible body hold him back? What does being a weapon do to a person? I am interested in getting really into his experience of his body and of the Earth from a Neighbor's perspective. I'm interested in reading any rating. If you're comfortable writing darker fic, this could really lend itself to some body horror or xeno (Replica?!). My ship for Yuuma is a poly triangle with Osamu and Chika, but since they aren't in the tagset I'd rather have Yuuma not shipped with any other characters. You can include any background pairings you'd like, otherwise.

The concept of Kuga's whole existence is fascinating to me. A post-human character trapped in a developmental lstage, faced constantly on a practical level with his own mortality, and he's so dry and subdued most of the time. I'm really curious about how his whole thing works for him as an obstacle and practicality in his life. Play up his uncanny nature and explore how his experiences on his own world effect his perceptions of Earth and his friends if you're up to it!

僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia - Iida Tenya, Midoriya Izuku, Uraraka Ochako
These three are all so adorable and pure! I love their enthusiasm and am hoping to read anything about their growing bonds. Their progress from acquaintances to friends and comrades is so natural as part of their character growth. I love the idea of them as an eventual trio either romantic (and maybe Deku has that one branch sticking off his end of the triangle poking Kacchan through his heart?) or professional OR BOTH but anything about their heroing adventures strengthening their connections would be delightful. A random detail you are by no means obligated to include: I think trains are cool and always fun devices in stories, so if they were all involved in some dynamic railway adventures that would be an extra-special treat. I'm interested in reading any rating, but for this fandom I'd rather not recieve a story that focuses on intense unresolveable personal drama.

This trio is so earnest and they try so hard, I can't help but root for them. Whereas I feel like Bakugou desperately needs hugs and therapy, Ochako, Iida and Deku all aren't the most secure in themselves even as they persevere in crucial moments. I'd love to see them supporting and affirming one another in any situation. I love that the canon deeply appreciates fannishness (usually in the form of Deku's note taking or sudden info dump of awe), which weirdly is why I mentioned the train thing-- a villain terrorizing folks on their morning commute or in their miniature model-and-hobby shop, or who obsessively memorizes the train routes and schedules all seem like fun and universe-appropriate opportunities for group shenanigans.
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