Dear Yuletide Writer (2012)

Oct 17, 2012 09:15

Hello, and welcome to my Dear Yulegoat Letter! First off, thank you for participating in yuletide this year! I love all of the fandoms I'm requesting and will be delighted to see new fanworks of any kind in each of them, so thank you for offering (one of?) them!

Things I'd love to get include gen (with or without ships) or relationship/pairing fic, any rating from G-Adult, mysterious occurances, character development or analysis, things happening on trains or in train stations, happy or hopeful endings, missing lost or stolen objects, and distinct character voices either in dialogue or in narration.

Things I'd dislike getting include death of a requested character, women on the sidelines only, necrophilia, scat/watersports, mpreg, 24/7 D/s relationships (You shouldn't have much trouble avoiding those with these requests. I think.)

Now, on to the fandoms and the actual requests!

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The Fandom is pretty much non-existent and I don't expect that we were matched based on this request, but if you enjoy atmospheric, Victorian-era murder mysteries, please give this book your consideration! It is the first in a series, and full of dynamic characters both original and based on real historical people. The focus of the book is on the newly-developed Scotland Yard Murder Squad, the infancy of forensic investigation in London, and the concept of the serial killer. It's clearly been researched, though there are some anachronistic language and worldview choices, and in some ways reminds me of Erik Larsen's nonfiction The Devil in the White City. It's a quick and engaging read - I listened to the audiobook (via Audible, and enjoyed the reader's take on it) over the course of two days, and I'd be surprised if it took much longer than a weekend to read in print. My favorite things about the book are its integration of period-appropriate forensic oversight and how that fills me with horror as I read. This is also true of the worldview-related tidbits - especially with regard to the sexism of the time and how it's depicted in different capacity by each of the male characters in their actions, and by the women in their circumstances and desires. If Alex Grecian's name sounds familiar to you, it is probably because of his work with Image Comics on Proof, about a sasquatch who works for the government tracking down cryptid-related crime. (Sorry to say, there are no cryptids so far in The Yard.)

The Request is for supporting cast members Claire Day, Fiona Kingsley, and James "Jimmy" Tiffany.

I love the way the book sets us up for development of Claire and Fiona as intelligent, talented and relatively independent (for their circumstances) women. I'd love something involving them being intuitive and unafraid in most matters relating to murder - perhaps casefic where they stumble across a crime in the course of their daily activities, at a small social women's group of Claire's, for example, and use their smarts to do most of the solving themselves? I've included Tiffany in my request because, sexist ass that he is, I can't help imagining him intrigued by Claire (at first as Walter Day's wife, but then in her own right - this can, but doesn't have to be, romantic interest on his part; if so I ask that it's unrequited, but I'd be happy to read fic about Tiffany dealing with that, especially if Claire and her actions are in the forefront) and quite probably being delicately manipulated by her and/or Fiona into doing some policework for them or on the case using their information.

I'd alternately/also like to see anything about Claire and Fiona's growing friendship, and perhaps also their exasperation with their position as women (as presented in the books - Claire expected to tend the home in spite of her wicked intelligence, and Fiona being chased out of the morgue and into more "appropriate" employment). If you'd like to write about Fiona teaching Claire simple chores around the house, or chasing Tiffany off when he's beeing a brute because she's familiar with his antics after assisting her father, I'd love to read that, too!

If you, like me, are someone who loves genfic but has a hard time writing it, I ALSO love pairing and ship-fic. I'd be happy to read about Fiona and her developing feelings - those feelings could be about Claire herself and stem from respect and admiration, or they could be about Hammersmith, or they could be about both Claire and Hammersmith. I'd love see read about Claire's irritation at Tiffany and/or her relief at having Fiona's assistance and company around the house. As I mentioned above, I'd be happy to read about Tiffany's conflicting feelings about that damned Day's wife, and about Claire and Fiona's complete failure to acknowledge him as a man because he has a habit of belittling women.

I'd even love to read an AU where Fiona and Claire are the detectives and it's a universe where BOYS MUST STAY HOME AND TEND TO THE CHILDREN because their delicate man-parts are too vulnerable for dangerous policework. Seriously, if you are at all interested in this book, or if it catches you and you are willing to write for it, I will happily read it! Anything at all about these characters (and the other cast members can come along if you like!) will delight me.


The Fandom for this work, which is out there in both manga (in official translation through volume 3, scanlations through chapter 113) and as an anime adaptation (11 episodes [complete] on crunchyroll), is small but alive. Since the manga is still ongoing, I've tried to tailor my request so that someone who is only familiar with the anime can still write it. The premise of the comic is that it follows two main protagonists from elementary school through puberty (and presumably will follow them into adulthood) who are both genderqueer and want to transition - one from male to female, the other from female to male. The handling of the characters is sensitive and well-considered, and the entire cast of allies and antagonists is strong. Virtually everyone in the cast, including the terrible people, is lovable. If you're interested in representations of trans kids and their experiences, and/or enjoy slice-of-life dramas, I highly recommend it. Those of you who have been wary of such things due to angst-aversion, breathe easy! Hourou Musuko deals with serious subjects in a serious way, but it isn't the kind of show or comic that will dash out your will to live. To me, it's a very hopeful, optimistic sort of book - I think a lot of that has to do with Nitori herself, and her strength as a protagonist.

The Request is for Nitori Shuuichi and Doi Shinpei.

I'd love to see something here about Doi coming to see Nitori as the girl that she is, and his feelings about her. I got the distinct impression when Doi was jerking Nitori around about dressing and performing her identity that she gave him a lot of conflicting feelings. I love how boldly Doi told her that she's cute when she performs female, and that he got so irritated when Nitori told him that she hated him for how he'd been treating her. I'd love something about Doi and his pigtail-pulling developing into respect, friendship, and maybe if you ship it dear writer, into a crush. The crush doesn't need to be requited on Nitori's part - in fact, I love the idea of her turning him down, only to have them get together considerably later in their lives. If you'd like to write future fic, I'd love to see it - whether their relationship is platonicly friendly, familial, or romantic - and I'd love to know more about Nitori's choices in her transition along the way. I'd love to see Doi freaking out about realizing that he's got feelings for her, or -- if you don't feel like he has those types of feelings for her - maybe Doi realizing that he wants Nitori to be his friend and that he can't be an ass to her if that's what he's really interested in. I love character arcs wherein bullies become protectors, so anything on that theme would be great for me!

Of course, they don't have to eventually ever get together in the far-flung future, she could just turn him down and I'll enjoy reading that, too. If you do decide to write relationship fic, please refrain from writing anything explicit if they're under 16.


The Fandom is a total gimme if you're familiar with the Holmes canon and/or its various adaptations. Everything "official" there is to know about it can be read in 5-10 minutes. The universe came into being partially in response to BBC's Sherlock, but IS NOT a direct AU of that adaptation - that is to say, feel free to take this and run with it in any direction. My favorite Holmes adaptation is probably the Granada series starring Jeremy Brett, but that isn't to say you need to rely on it for what you do. My favorite things about the 221B Baker Towers universe is that Holmes, reimagined in this context, has an intense and tenuous relationship with law enforcement.

The Request is for Sherlock Holmes and Inspector Lestrade.

I have always loved Lestrade's odd relationship with Holmes - that he seems to admire him and his abilities, but also distrusts him for being a civilian and an eccentric. I'd love to read a story about Holmes and Lestrade's relationship before Watson came into Holmes' life - something about how they met, or how they came to something of an understanding about Holmes' abilities. Is Lestrade sneaking him in? Is Lestrade fighting to keep others from doing so? Is Lestrade's arrangement with Holmes different from the one Holmes has with Gregson? How do Lestrade and Holmes collaborate, in spite of their mutual distrust? Did Holmes choose to help Lestrade before they had an understanding? Did he try to make things more difficult for him? How do Holmes' addictions affect their relationship, if Lestrade is aware of them? Maybe it's the story of the first time he encountered Sherlock, or the first time he chose to trust his findings, or maybe Sherlock has been conducting strange chemistry experiments and they're investigating him for cooking up drugs, or maybe Sherlock breaks into a crime scene and is observed and thus he gets to know Lestrade. Really though, I'm full of questions about these two and their many possibile iterations and incarnations and I'll be delighted with anything about these two characters in this reimagined set of circumstances.

I think that for something like this it could be really cool to see the story told through Lestrade's notes or interviews or files or something - but with that said, don't make yourself crazy over style. I'll be equally happy if it turns out this is was eventually recounted to Watson by Holmes after all, or if it's one of those rare stories narrated by Sherlock, or what have you.


The Fandom so far comprises two books (of a projected 7), The Lies of Locke Lamora and Red Seas Under Red Skies. I love these books - they are precisely the kind of high-fantasy/spec-fic I love. The universe is something like 15th century Italy on a non-Earth planet, with pirates and thieves and scandal and courts and impressively organized crime. It's full of con artist shenanigans and ruffian gallantry. The worldbuilding is rich and multi-faceted, and the atmospheric writing gives the environment an almost velvety feel to me - luxurious and highly tactile. The dialogue is banterriffic and can be quite revealing of the characters, and you will fall in love with many of them (even though they can be total jerks - sometimes because they can be total jerks). If you were not matched on this series, I highly recommend that you read the first book - the audiobook version is excellent - but I don't expect it to be the kind of fandom one can pick up in the course of this year's Yuletide simply based on sheer length. I listened to both in audio rather than reading them in print (the reader is excellent and I HIGHLY recommend it), and the books were between 22 and 24 hours of listening time each. My understanding is that in print both books are over 500 pages. They are fabulous (in spite of some events in Red Seas Under Red Skies that are not exactly feminist).

The Request is for Jean Tannen and Locke Lamora.
If you prefer to write gen, I'd love a vignette of con-man antics. This could be set in Jean and Locke's youth, about their growing friendship when they're teens, or about how they create and establish the characters they embody during their cons. I'd love to see something about the development of their alter egos and how they are constructed in advance, how they identify types of characters they might need in order to go about building up their cover. I'd also love to see Locke and/or Jean getting outsmarted and adapting to their challenges, or moments when Locke must rely on Jean's abilities. Feel free to include feelings for each other that are brotherly, platonic, or on that line between intense friendship and romance. Want to have them pretending to be couple-y or actually being couple-y for a con? Go for it! If you don't like the idea of them being or pretending to be couple-y, show me how they express their affection through insults and rough-housing. I love all readings of these two and their partnership. Hell, want to write about them working against each other as part of a training exercise or something? I'd read that, too!

If you're happy to write slash of these two, OH how I would love to see something about Locke's impotence. I really love that he can't get it up, and that it's a regular thing for Jean to tease him about. I'd love to read fic about how they make sure they're both enjoying themselves (and each other). This could mean that what they do together is entirely non-penetrative, that they do mutual oral (nothing wrong with staying flaccid!), that Locke plays lady-friend for Jean. This could include disguises if you like, but I think it'd be best if all parties were in the know (even if they're playing dress-up while they do it). Please fade-to-black if you're not comfortable writing explicit things but would like to write something for this prompt - I want you to have fun more than I need to know every detail! If this were fic about their sex lives together that didn't necessarily include any sex, that would also be cool and I'd love to read about how/if Locke's impotence effects them outside of porny circumstances. Any sort of slashy fun of the two of them talking about/dealing with/enjoying(?) Locke's impotence would be excellent - though if you don't like or want to write slash, but do like the idea of bringing Locke's impotence into your genfic, I will like reading that, as well! Please, no miraculous recoveries on Locke's part.

Whew! Thanks for reading all of that, and thanks again for writing this year! I hope your Yuletide is a great one!

gentleman bastard sequence, yuletide 2012, the yard, yuletide, hourou musuko, 221b baker towers

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