Aug 20, 2011 15:12
So I'm walking from my apartment down to Exxon on Riverside to get some cigarettes, listening to my MP3 player, as I am approaching the Krystal I noticed in my peripheral traffic is behind me and not moving forward. Then a squad car pulls off makes a right turn and then a siren behind me. Apparently he is signaling me. So I pull out my ear bud and he ask me to step to the front of his car. This apparent rookie thinks that my umbrella is a sword, because it is modeled after a Viking sword and can be carried on the back. He looks at it and pulls it out slightly as I tell him it is an umbrella. He says, "It is weird to see someone carrying a sword and he had to make sure I had no ill intentions to use it." Of course I told him that in Macon it is not illegal to carry a sword as long as it is not concealed. I don't think he knew that. He asks my name and I just tell him my first name and walk off. Now I'm pissed. The ladies at the Exxon saw it happen and said that he was harassing me because I am white (which is funny since they are both African-American) and because of the recent murder here. Now if I am angry enough to use one of my many swords against someone I don't think I am going to be obvious about it. If I wish to carry a sword in public and I think we ought to be able to. Of course I was wearing all black, along with my black kilt. A little ignorance goes a long way instead of going after real criminals