Gift from Heaven.

Jan 23, 2012 11:39

Gift from Heaven

(A husband is a gift from Heaven to a woman, says a prominent sociologist.--News item.)

Does your gift from Heaven give you all the money that you need?
Does he bring men home for dinner when but two you'd planned to feed?
Does your gift from Heaven always do exactly as he should?
Does he hang up his pajamas or just leave them where he stood?
As a husband have you thought him in his manners rather slack?
Well, he's now your gift from Heaven!  Would you like to send him back?

Does your gift from Heaven, lady, stay out rather late at night?
Does he grumble in the morning if the coffee isn't right?
Does he whistle while he's shaving?  Does he toss his things about?
When you make a bid at contract does he always take you out?
Does he frequently annoy you by the silly things he'll do?
Then remember, little lady, he was Heaven's gift to you.

A scientist has told us that he thoroughly believes
A husband is a present which from Heaven the wife receives,
And I know the men will hail him as a friend, but I shall fear
To quote my Heavenly rating for I know she'll say, "My dear,
You may be a gift from somewhere, but you can't be Heaven sent,
The professor's made an error--'twas the other place he meant."

(Edgar A. Guest)

My happily ever after has a little something to do with living forever in the presence of a handsome prince on a white horse.

Be still my beating heart...

I add to this saing. comir

poem, poetry

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