Oct 03, 2006 01:48
Since I have to get up bright an early to stand around in the Humber River counting fish, it makes perfect sense that at 1 am I should be lying in bed staring at the numbers on my clock. That gets boring after an hour and a half, though, also I was pretty hungry. So I got up and made toast and tea and broke out the algebra (over which I had been nodding after supper). Then I felt like vegetables, and decided to hack up a turnip I bought on Sunday. As a moving-in present last september, I bought myself an 8" x 1.5 " chopping knife in no-nonsense german stainless steel. This knife was no match for the fibrous tuber of the turnip: there I stood with the blade 1/3 of the way in and could neither advance nor retreat and it was really too late to indulge in any sort of smashing on the counter or to recruit my hammer. So I seed and sawed and strained and leaned and eventually separated a slice from the main bit...not without wondering what hair-brained ancestor ever lighted on turnip roots as an accessible food source. I think the most appropriate tool would really have been a hatchet.
I have some experience with turnips and this one was decidedly disappointing. I am too physically tired to try slicing from the other end at this time. My attention is now on an asian pear, which is proving to be a much more docile victim.
I suppose the turnip was accessible in the sense that I didn't have to outrun it first.