Character: Eleanor Campbell
Series: Victorian Romance Emma
Character age: 17-18
Canon: In Victorian England, William Jones, a member of the gentry, falls in love with his former governess’s maid. In addition to all the obstacles one might expect two people of such different classes might face in an extremely class-conscious society, there is an additional complication in the form of Eleanor Campbell, a young woman from a noble (read: socially acceptable) family whom William is expected to marry, and who is in love with him.
Eleanor’s a sweet girl, though sheltered and more than a little naïve. Despite her immaturity, however, and the frequently limiting expectations of her social class, she possesses a surprising amount of inner strength: Faced with both a humiliating rejection from her first love, and the scorn of both her father and society for being thrown over - by a man of inferior social standing, no less - for a maid, she is initially devastated, but comes to deal with the situation with maturity and grace.
Note: Eleanor is being taken from after the end of the manga.
Sample Post:
I really must thank Miss Sayre for inviting me here to have tea with you ladies. You are all ladies, aren’t you? I’m sorry, it’s difficult to tell. I admit, I was a bit dubious at the thought of a summer home in the middle of a swamp, but this area is quite lovely in its own way, isn’t it? The flora is so wonderfully unique here - I’d never seen a tree with leaves that shade of green!
Oh, and doesn’t that tea look nice. Though I wish that the serving staff looked somewhat less decayed… No, no, I’m being unkind. It’s hardly their fault if they’ve suffered from a disfiguring illness, and surely Miss Sayre wouldn’t put them to work serving food if they were still contagious. Would she? If I haven’t said so before, it’s a pleasure to meet you all. Though I do beg each of your pardons in advance if I have trouble distinguishing any of you from your fellows. I’m not terribly accustomed to having tea with gorillas, and I’m afraid that you all look quite similar to me. I hope that you will all be patient with EEK!
Miss, Miss… Oh, I wish Miss Sayre had provided name tags. And why hasn’t she come back yet? Miss… gorilla on my left, please remove your, er, paw from my posterior. It’s really quite inappropriate to touch someone like - Oh, no, is she crying? Perhaps I shouldn’t have spoken so harshly.
I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you! I only meant to prevent you from inadvertently distressing someone by… well, touching them like that. Er, no, you don’t need to demonstrate again, I’m sure you have the - M-my bodice is off limits as well!
Perhaps you could - Could I have some more tea, please? Ah, thank you and, er. Please don’t come any closer. By the way, what sort of tea is this? I don’t believe I recognize the flavor. Is it some local variety? Though having asked that, I’m really not certain how you’ll be able to answer when you don’t speak - Oh, you have the tin on hand! How clever! I’ll, er. Try to ignore the engravings of copulating toucans. I’m sure that you didn’t realize that they were there.
Now let me see. Root of… badtouch oak?
H-how nice.
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