May 29, 2007 23:16
1. having a boyfriend = weight gain. 5lbs in 5days. :(
2. all the new applications on facebook are overwhelming. they should've stopped at the mini-feed. options make me so nervous, just having cable gives me anxiety. some of the applications are so useless, i can't believe the mindless creeps who actually added them.
3. i've been utilizing my poolside almost every other day. it's so cute that ryan lays out for ten minutes, and he's a burning lobster having to take a cold shower before bed so that he can sleep. aw white kids. i, on the otherhand, practically bathe in the ZEROspf deepdark tanning oil, and have reached tanning plateau, and it's not even summer by solstice standards. my skin is going to retaliate in about 20 years.
4. am i the only girl in the world that thinks diet coke is disgusting? no, seriously..barf.
5. courtney turns 22 this thursday, and thanks to her cocksucking skills i get to go to the bar too. i was thinking of getting her some porn, so robert and i are going to hit up the sex shop tomorrow. way excited.
6.courtney turns 22 this thursday, which makes me realize how old we are getting, which makes me realize i'm graduating in december, which makes me realize that i am (hopefully) going to get an adult job, which will make me an adult.