Title: colours and light
Bandom: it’s a ‘chemical day’ fic [my chemical romance and green day]
Pairing: yes, it’s a Billie/Gerard fic! [green day/my chemical romance] with implied past Billie/Mike and Billie/Tré and Gerard/Frank
Author: me [mrs_saint_jimmy]
Summary: Gerard and Billie are conflicting personalities, but do they have more in common than they think? Introvert and extrovert.
Warnings: sex [in later chapters], drug use [from part 3] and some kinda dark emotional thingys but I don’t think it will get too dark, oh and this is a total AU where the age gap between them is smaller and they never became famous [thank god they did, though].
Rating: uuummm, I aint good at this, R?
Disclaimer: I don’t own them, they unfortunately own themselves and this obviously did not happen.
part two [link to part 1 inside]