
Jun 05, 2022 16:04

This bottle of dessert wine has been laid down in my wine cupboard for more than thirty years. I bought it a few years after Ros and I returned from living in The Netherlands. It has been in bottle for thirty-four years. I had completely forgotten about it and came across it when looking for a bottle of champagne.

I particularly like dessert wines especially Sauternes and Monbazillac. This Loupiac wine is not quite as sweet as Sauternes and is a perfect accompaniment to blue-veined cheese, apple pie and dark chocolate. I drink dessert wines as an aperitif. I had to open this one to see if it had stood the test of ageing.

Oh my goodness! Look at that golden colour. Rich, full bodied, hints of honey, peaches and a touch of apple. It's delicious! Well worth the thirty-odd year wait. Just wish Ros was here to enjoy it with me...

loupiac, dessert wine, sauternes, monbazillac, wine

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