Volume 83, Issue 10

Dec 11, 2012 22:41

- griseldajane drew "Secret Admirer Part II". (Rated PG, Loki/Thor)

- Anonymous wrote "Dust and Love and Sweat". (Rated NC-17, Clint/Natasha)
- Anonymous wrote "Trust Is Given". (Rated NC-17, Steve Rogers/Tony Stark)
- luulapants wrote "Building Neptune" Part 13. (Rated NC-17, Pyro, Toad, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Iceman, Xavier, Magneto and ensemble)
- jedibuttercup wrote "The Supervillain Job". (Rated PG, Nate Ford, Loki, Leverage crossover)
- kiyaar wrote "Sins of Omission" Parts 14-15. (Rated NC-17, Steve/Tony)
- claudiapriscus wrote "4F". (Rated PG, Steve, Nick Fury and ensemble)
- evilmissbecky wrote "And Show You the Stars" Part 11/12. (Rated R, Steve/Tony, Thor, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts)
- zphal_girl87 wrote "Pendulum" Part 11. (Rated M, Bruce/Tony)
- kiyala wrote "The Arrangement". (Rated NC-17, Thor/Loki)
- icarus_chained wrote "FleetHome". (Rated R, Tony, JARVIS, Maria, Fury, Barbara, Meroe)
evith wrote "Five Quick Cotton Candy X-Men". (Rated General Audiences, Jean/Rogue)
- vikingprincess and SciFiGrl47 wrote "The Reeducation of Remy LeBeau 284 - Too Many Missions 7/7". (Rated Adult, Remy/Rogue and ensemble)
- nyxelestia wrote "A Smile or Three" Part 5. (Rated PG-13, Peter Parker/Gwen Stacy/Flash Thompson)
- ardatli wrote "Stained in the Blood (of a whole generation)" Part 8/8. (Rated M, Criminal Minds/Young Avengers crossover)

- doomedpassion wrote "Birds and Reptiles (or of the Dragon and the Phoenix)". (Rated up to NC-17, Tim Drake/Jason Todd, Bruce Wayne, Wally West, Damian Wayne, Dick Grayson)
- me_ya_ri wrote "I Do It All For You: Family". (Rated PG-13, Jason/Tim)

Drabbles and Ficlets
hobbiting wrote "Hopeless (Head Over Heels In the Moment)". (Rated G, Tony/Steve)

- pocky_slash has opened Secret Mutant Madness: an XMFC fest open to everyone.

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